The Friday Five: April 16, 2010
Friday Five : ‘frī-(,)dā,-dē ‘fīv : On the sixth day of every week, I hit the shuffle button on my iTunes, then share the first five tracks and thought for each track. Sometimes there is a playlist involved, occasionally we’ll have a guest, but most of the time it’s just me. The rest is up to you, our friends and readers! Fire up your media player of choice and share the first five random track of your shuffle in the comments.
The Five:
“Uptown Girl” by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes (from Have a Ball, 1997)
This week’s shuffle accompanied me during my early morning visit to the gym. This sped-up version of the Billy Joel classic got my blood pumping!
“I Won’t Spend Another Night Alone” by The Ataris (from Blue Skies, Broken Hearts…Next 12 Exits, 1999)
Before the band covered Don Henley’s “Boys of Summer,” and climbed aboard the MTV-fueled wave of pop-punk in the early aught’s, they were just a little band from Indiana with a penchant for writing the intensely personal songs. This little ditty was sent to me by a friend back in 2000, and I promptly ran out and purchased the CD after hearing it.
“Would?” by Alice in Chains (from Dirt, 1992)
This is, without a doubt, my favorite Alice in Chains tune.
“Sweetness” by Jimmy Eat World (from Bleed American, 2001)
In the groove, just listen…
“Fell on Black Days” by Soundgarden (from Superunknown, 1994)
By the time this track came up, it completely disturbed my groove; I was mid-sprint and lost my steam. Making for a less-than productive treadmill session, I hit stop and headed to the next machine.
What’s on your shuffle today?
Clearly your music has something against you being in shape
You did however have a fine mix this week.
I tend to shy away from the alt-rock stuff when working out, but I figured I’d try something different today. I’ll go back to my steady diet of indie-pop and electro-funk for my next session.
Mike (Popblerd)
Yeah, “Fell on Black Days” definitely doesn’t lend itself to working out!!
My five this week:
1) “Anniversary” by Tony Toni Tone
From “Sons of Soul”-the best R&B album of the Nineties. Period.
2) “In Your Arms Tonight” by TLC
It always made me wonder why critics fawned over TLC when the fact that they were producer’s pets (despite their independent-women image) and that fact was quite transparent.
3) “Have it Your Way” by The S.O.S. Band
Obviously the five is gonna be seriously heavy on R&B this week. I think this song predates S.O.S. working with Jam and Lewis, so it’s one of their less essential tracks. Typical early Eighties slow jam.
4) “Let’s Wait Awhile” by Janet Jackson
…and then a Jam/Lewis track shows up! I swear, this is purely coincidental. Random fact: Taimak (Bruce Leroy from The Last Dragon) plays Janet’s love interest in this video.
5) “They Do, They Don’t” by Jack Johnson
Just to break up the monotony a little bit. I can’t really say too much about this song except for the fact that Jack could probably stand to change his sound up a little bit. I like the guy, but his last album was the point where I think I realized that by buying all of his albums, I’d essentially purchased the same thing five times.
And now I’ve got “Summertime” stuck in my head.
P.S. – I was always a true believer in Jam/Lewis, until I heard the new Usher record.
Just went for a run (hot damn, it’s nice out in Minnesota today!!) and brought along the handy dandy iPod.
Here are my random five:
1) Word Up! – Korn
2) Ramble On – Led Zeppelin
3) Where the Streets Have No Name – U2
4) Wavin’ Flag – K’naan
5) Black Betty – Ram Jam
Bill C
Heart of Stone-Bruce. Great version of the Southside Johnny song.
Hard Day’s Night-Beatles
Band of Gold-Belinda Carlisle I have always loved this version.
I’m a Rocker-Bruce A double down Bruce day!
Nobody Knows-Allman Brothers Band
A weird five for me. I usually have two or three songs I haven’t heard in years or did not even know I owned, but there were all pretty mainstream, and all good songs.
Stevie Wonder, “Contusion.” Songs in the Key of Life album track. One of the great records EVER made, and I don’t know that I could pick this track out of a lineup. Not my fault, though — it’s an instrumental (and I’ve been drinking). I might’ve thought it was a Yes track. It certainly shows off Stevie’s prog tendencies. Those tendencies don’t get talked about enough.
AC/DC, “Stand Up.” Fly on the Wall is to AC/DC what Creatures of the Night is to KISS, for a couple reasons: 1) Each is a fucking great hard rock record, and 2) Each has a drum sound that sounds like an anvil falling down the stairs in an echo chamber. I sing this praises of Fly on the Wall and Flick of the Switch as unheralded yet terrific AC/DC records.
Peter Frampton, “Nowhere’s Too Far For My Baby” (live). From the reissue of Frampton Comes Alive. I’m including the studio version of this song in my Popdose Friday Mixtape next week (if memory serves, it kicks the thing off). I shall speak no ill of anything from Frampton Comes Alive. I list it among my favorite records, and I wasn’t even in the appropriate age group to appreciate it when it came out. My folks would’ve probably balked at my first- or second-grade self taking to a long-haired guitar player so much. The Bee Gees, they had no problem with.
Blondie Chaplin, “Bye Bye Babe.” Strange; this is on my Mixtape next week, too. Swear I did no manipulation. This guy was in the Beach Boys for a couple years (his is the voice on “Sail On Sailor,” my second fave Beach Boys track, after “Don’t Worry Baby”). This is the first track from his first solo record, a solid little effort that speaks well for its era. Chaplin has played in the extended band that keeps the Stones afloat on the road. This track rocks gently but steadily and is worth checking out. You’ll be able to get it for nothing at Popdose next Friday.
Don Henley, “End of the Innocence.” Mike (aka Popblerd) called Henley a “cocksnot” last week, and while that is undoubtedly true, this is one of his two or three great moments as a solo artist. “Oh beautiful for spacious skies,” my favorite line starts, “But now those skies are threatening / We’re beating ploughshares into swords / For this tired old man we elected king.” I remember the Reagan posters from the video. How fucking quaint it seems now, doesn’t it? Of course, the track is built around Bruce Hornsby’s piano — instantly recognizable back in the day. I first heard this track while working third shift at a candy warehouse, summer of ’89. Worst summer of my life, but it yielded some pretty fine music, “End of the Innocence” among the best of the best songs to come out that summer.
Quick 5 so I can run before the mercury tops 90 degrees…
“Batdance (Vicki Vale Mix)” – Prince
“Don’t Leave Me Now” – Pink Floyd
“Love Struck” – Jesse Johnson
“The End” – Marah
“One Red Rose” – John Prine
1 Bonnie Rait Willy a Wontcha
—- got to see her live from the front row a few month back and she loves her job. So happy on stage. This is a great rokin song from her greatest album.
2 Shes Not Alone Anymore Jayhawks
—- I wll never forget when I saw the Black Crows on the first album tour ( 89 ?) and Chris Robinson said this band smoked more pot than anyone they ever saw. Love Gary Louris songs and voice.
3 Shing Star Earth Wind and Fire
—- that is what I am talking about it !!!!
4 Polka Dot Tail Ween
—- this song is wrong on may levels. This band live it right on so many levels. Go see Ween now !!! Just dont make friends with the other fans.
5 Whisper in My Ear The Gibson Brothers
—- perfect bluegrass band. As traditional as the day is long.
see ya