Bria Valente: Prince’s New Talent
If you saw the Lakers-Celtics game on Christmas Day, you may have seen Prince in the crowd, next to an attractive brunette. A shocker, I know! Her name is Bria Valente, and while I hesitate to call her Prince’s Flavor of the Month, or 21 st Century Vanity, he has spent some time with her in the studio. The track is “Here I Come”, and has Prince written all over it. The lyrics, guitars, and every other piece of instrumentation most likely.

My mind is not blown, but it has a nice, quiet storm feel to it. You can hear it on P’s new playground on the web: Not sure who the tech gurus are behind this venture, maybe Prince himself? That, or someone in need of a tutorial in 21st century web design. But have a listen, and look at a slide show of the lovely Ms. Valente.
Definitely has Prince all over it… Not sure that I’m really digging this, but she is attractive, no?
@jazzmaster They usually are…
prince is the man.bria here eye come song is like running blown away
farah fine
Im blown away by her too, looks and music. She will no doubt generate alot of interest! Cant wait for more from ms Valente! Princes future baby mama/wifey, bet.
Maybe shes his daughter!?!?
I can really get in to this cd .. very relaxing and soothing. I like Bria ..