The Friday Five: November 27, 2009
Friday Five : ˈfrī-(ˌ)dā,-dē ˈfīv : On the sixth day of every week I hit the shuffle button on my iTunes and share my five and drop a little knowledge and insight for each track. Sometimes there is a playlist involved, sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes we have guest, but most of the time it’s just me. The rest is up to you, our friends and readers! Fire up your media player of choice and share the first five random track of your shuffle in the comments.
Editor’s Note: My tryptophan-addled brain completely failed to realize that it was Friday until just about an hour ago, despite the fact that I’m working! Here’s a ‘live’ five for you to enjoy this weekend!
The Five:
Sunny Day Real Estate – “Pheurton Skeurto” (from Sunny Day Real Estate, 1994)
A quiet island in a stormy sea, “Pheurton Skeurto” is a jaunty sea shanty with impossible lyrics and one of my favorite tracks on the seminal emo band’s self-titled debut.
The Beatles – “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away” (mp3) (from Help!, 1965)
Lennon’s attempts at incorporating the folk influences of the day (specifically Bob Dylan) provide us with one of the most beautiful tunes in The Beatles catalog.
Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch – “Good Vibrations” (from Music for the People, 1991)
Occasionally the shuffle button betrays me. This could be one of those occasions.
Bush – “Machinehead” (from Sixteen Stone, 1994)
I’m going to go on record here and say that I never disliked Bush, but I never liked them all that much either. Of all their post-grunge (lite) tunes, this one was always a favorite.
Anthrax – “I’m the Man (Def Uncensored version)” (mp3) (from I’m the Man, 1987)
I’m so bad, I should be in detention.
What’s keeping you going on this Black Friday?
alison capulette …the hedge.
the hedge… alison capulette.
Neil Young & Crazy Horse, “Everybody Knows This is Nowhere.” Classic Neil.
Peter Frampton, “Show Me the Way.” I was a little young when the whole Frampton Comes Alive thing hit, but I got the bug in my teens, when I became the total classic rock dude. My favorite track is still “Do You Feel Like We Do,” but this one is cool, too. The idea of it being “live” has been poo-pooed in recent years, as more and more stories of concert records being “tweaked” (i.e., re-recorded) in the studio have emerged. Still, I’ll buy into Comes Alive being representative of the Frampton concert experience back then. Suspension of disbelief is nothing new to me. Comes in handy sometimes. :^)
Til Tuesday, “Rip in Heaven.” This record — Everything’s Different Now — was a Number One, triple-platinum hit in the parallel universe of my brain. “Rip in Heaven,” the third of six singles taken from the album, spent four weeks at Number One. Aimee Mann left the band at the height of their success and went on a multi-platinum streak of her own, including her classic Bachelor No. 2, which sold ten million and made her an international superstar. It’s good to have a parallel universe to escape to from time to time, where Til Tuesday was huge and live albums are actually live.
Depeche Mode, “It’s No Good.” Oh, yeah. Love this song. My favorite Depeche Mode songs are the really moody ones, with a lot of bottom-end rumble. This one’s from Ultra, in ’97. Holy shit, this song is 12 years old. Turn the lights out and blast this one; it WILL give you chills.
Aerosmith, “Mama Kin.” First album goodness from A-Smith. I sorta hope they break up; they haven’t made anything this cool in many, many, many, MANY years. Hey, Joe Perry — let it die, gramps. Love ya, but it’s time to let it go.
“It’s No Good” is definitely one of the most underrated Depeche Mode tunes, and one of my favorites. I’ve got the single with some excellent remixes.
I love Machinehead. I don’t know a whole lot of Bush songs, but I remember first hearing this one when I went to see the movie Fear… and I think of that movie every time I hear it now.
And “It’s No Good” is one of my favorite DM songs too.
Anyway, here are my Five…
1) Jealous Again – The Black Crowes
2) I Don’t Wanna Talk About It Now – Emmylou Harris
3) You’re Missing – Cowboy Junkies
4) When The Stars Go Blue – Ryan Adams
5) Golden Age of Radio – Josh Ritter
Hope you had a great Turkey Day, Michael!
Well it is Saturday but …
1. “Caramel” Suzanne Vega, from the soundtrack “The Truth about Cats & Dogs”
2. “I’m Looking Through You” The Wallflowers from the soundtrack “I am Sam” (But wait, there is still more soundtracks to come)
3. “Velvet Snow” Kings of Leon from “Aha Shake Heartbreak”
4. “Peter Killed the Dragon” Josh Ritter from “Girl in the War EP”
5. “Spiderman” The Ramones–don’t quite know why I ended up with three songs from soundtracks today but I guess that happens.
“Like You” Evanescence, The Open Door
“Heart of the City” Nick Lowe, Jesus of Cool
“State Street Residential” Death Cab For Cutie, You Can Play These Songs.
“South Side” Moby
“Nostalgia” Audrey Ryan, Passing Thru
Beat Maker
November 27 mm..It’s my birthday (:
Thanks for the tracks!