Ick’s Radio Daze: KOSI Denver
Denver correspondent Kathy B. checks in after spending an hour with Denver’s “Continuous Lite Rock” station, KOSI. – Pete

Station: 101.1 FM, KOSI
Format: Lite Rock
Type: Terrestrial (Denver, CO)
Slogan: “Continuous Lite Rock”
Date / Time: Friday, Feb. 19th, 2010 / 10:30-11:35 am MST
Commercials: 16 minutes
Streaming Online? Yes
Hot Dude on Home Page of Web Site? No. In fact, I don’t see a single man, hot or otherwise.
Hot Chick? Not really. Amy Grant is the closest thing.
DJ: Jackie Selby
Favorite Song: (a complete guilty pleasure, I fully admit, and I’m prepared to take my lumps for this) Air Supply — “Lost in Love”
Runners-up: Seal — “Kiss from a Rose,” Jason Mraz — “I’m Yours,” Sheryl Crow — “All I Wanna Do”
Least Favorite Song: David Cook — “Light On” Gads, is this AWFUL.

Song List:
Amy Grant & Peter Cetera — “The Next Time I Fall”
No Doubt — “It’s My Life”
Seal — “Kiss from a Rose”
David Cook — Light On
Air Supply — “Lost in Love”
John Mayer — “Your Body Is a Wonderland”
Faith Hill — “This Kiss”
Bryan Adams — “Straight from the Heart”
Sheryl Crow — “All I Wanna Do”
Five for Fighting — “Superman”
Whispers — “Rock Steady”
Jason Mraz — “I’m Yours”
Daniel Powter — “Bad Day”
Eric Clapton — “Layla” (Unplugged)
Plain White T’s — “Hey There Delilah”
Comments: This is the number one radio station in Denver and has been for a while, probably because it’s so inoffensive that it gets played in a lot of offices, restaurants and reception areas. However, “inoffensive” often translates into “boring” for me. I’ve gotten really sick of hearing it in the Chinese restaurant across the street or while I’m waiting on hold, so I was surprised that I actually mildly enjoyed this hour, David Cook notwithstanding.
Although none of the music was what I would call “adventurous,” there were quite a few songs I can genuinely say I like quite a bit. And nothing that made me want to have a screaming fit and throw the radio out the window, although if I hear that David Cook song a couple more times, who knows what might snap (This was the first time I’ve heard it).
Maybe it’s because it’s not the time of year where they play 24-hour-a-day holiday music, which becomes excruciating after a while because so much of it is BAD holiday music. Every American Idol winner or runner up singing “Jingle Bells”! Celine Dion over-emoting her way through the Yuletide songbook! Endless repetitions of “Wonderful Christmastime”! And I swear it starts the day after Election Day.
I could have done without the semi-computerized back-announcements of the songs (it sounded like a real woman trying to sound mechanical rather than an actual computerized voice, and it became really cheesy). But they did identify every song, which is kind of nice in these times when it often seems listeners are supposed to be partially psychic. The DJ had a friendly voice, and it seemed as if she was trying to be friends with the audience — in fact, she invited listeners to become her Facebook friend twice during the hour, and to e-mail, tweet, text, or even old-fashioned call her with requests for the all-request hour that started at noon.
All in all, it could have been a lot worse.
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I’m with you completely on “Lost in Love”. Guilty Pleasure with a capital G.P.
I’ve always loved “Straight from the Heart”.
And I feel the same distaste for Davey Cook’s “Light On”. Blechh.
Whoops– I meant to type 13 minutes of commercials instead of 16. Which is slightly better, because it’s not quite a quarter of an hour. It still seemed like endless commercials.