Notting Hillbillies in Newcastle (Redux)
I stumble across this show quite frequently in my travels through iTunes, and I was reminded again of it this morning while picking around on my acoustic guitar. I was toying around with the beautiful guitar parts of the Dire Straits tune “Why Worry”, and decided to punch it up in iTunes so I could play along. Up came this live version by the Notting Hillbillies – a relatively short-lived group from the early 1990’s made up of Mark Knopfler, Steve Phillips, Brendan Croker, and Guy Fletcher.
I posted this show back in 2006, and thought I’d bring it back for those who want to hear a laid back, tight-knit group of friends playing some great music. The Dire Straits covers are especially great – particularly the Calypso version of “So Far Away”.
Swan Hunter Shipyard
Newcastle, England
July 6th, 1993
1. Intro
2. Calling Elvis
3. So Far Away (Calypso version)
4. Your Own Sweet Way
5. Run Me Down
6. Why Worry
7. Railroad Worksong
8. Feel Like Going Home
9. Setting Me Up
10. Outro
Check out the Notting Hillbillies’ one and only album: Missing…Presumed Having A Good Time
Marco (aka bagan)
Dear Pete … just dropped by to wish you a great birthday !!! Enjoy your day … and all the best to you … Marco
My birthday isn’t until August, but thanks just the same, Marco!
Thanks Pete. I loved this band. Can’t wait to listen to the show on my five hour drive tomorrow.
Marco (aka bagan)
Hey Pete … thanks for the kind feedback … but, hmmh than you must have inserted a wrong birthday date at another place … some people sent you birthday wishes there in the shouty … take good care and Love 2 ya … Marco