Rock,  Video

Marah Can’t Hardly Wait

My man Zach from Milwaukee has delivered yet again with a great live Marah video (see his previous offering). Recorded live at the Abbey Pub in Chicago, IL on February 17th of this year, here is Marah performing a Replacements song, “Can’t Hardly Wait”. Thanks Zach.

Gotta love the cigarettes and F bombs. Take it away….

Update: Check out this Dutch blog for some more video clips of Marah (04/22/06 Utrecht, The Netherlands)


  • Conor

    we saw Marah at the Casbah a few months ago. it was pretty sweet at times, but I was wondering why we didn’t get treated to something as awesome as this video. the answer was that there were about ten people in the audience in San Diego, (the band said they had had better turnouts in their motels for the after parties) and they probably don’t bust out the A material for those kind of crowds.

    Nice find.

  • Pete

    I heard about that sparsely attended SD show… it was right after i saw them in PHX. I couldn’t picture them NOT bringing their A game, regardless of the size of the crowd. But I’m just going off the number of times I’ve seen them and heard other live shows… the intensity level always seems to be there. But it remains, Marah is the best rock n roll band most people have never heard of…. a travesty, but a nice hidden gem at the same time…

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