A new Mac and some good Blow

PC or Mac? As my Dell PC (c. 2004) began to slow down a bit, and the 80 gig hard drive neared its capacity, it was time to start the search for my new computer. For once, it was a calculated decision, quite unlike the impulsive trips to Best Buy “for a quick look,” only to walk out with a new PC 45 minutes later. This upcoming computer will be my fourth since 1997, not too bad in computer years I guess.
So this time around, I’ve decided to jump across the great divide and go with a Mac for the first time. An iMac, to be precise. 20 inch screen. 500 gig hard drive. A gig of memory. It should be shipping tomorrow. The anticipation builds… a new era! My wife said she’s way more excited about the steam cleanin’ vacuum that’s on its way from Costco. I – I just don’t get that.
So thanks to my friend Jim for being the answer man for all my Mac vs. PC questions. I’m pretty pumped about this if you can’t tell already. Thing is, I haven’t found a Mac owner who hasn’t raved about them. And they’re just – so – damn – cool! Sleek, slick, simple.
So, on to some music.
The Blow is the brainchild of Portland, Oregon based performance artist Khaela Maricich and Jona Bechtolt. Artsy fartsy indie rockin’ performance artists – with a good beat. And the kids can dance to it.
The Blow’s Official Site.
Buy their latest, Paper Television.
You are gonna love your Mac. My husband is a graphic designer so we are all-Mac-all-the-time here and I wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, my husband hired a guy at his office that had only every used PCs and was very unsure about using a Mac. He accepted the job with the stipulation that if he didn’t like working on a Mac, that they would buy him a PC. A year later, the same guy not only still works on a Mac at the office, he has TWO at home!
Cool! New tech toys are fun! I have been thinking of getting a new computer too. We’ve been using an e-machine (not even a real computer by some peoples standards!) for about 5 years now and from what I understand, I am on borrowed time with this thing!
We switched to Mac 2 years ago and we are so happy that we did. I can’t imagine still having a PC! On the flip side, I am excited to buy a new Dyson vacuum cleaner soon so I guess that I understand how your wife feels too.
Bella Bella Bo Bella – – buy a Mac! Come to the light!
5 years on an e-machine, really? Well, I guess it is possible.
Come to the light, yes. Maybe a Mac Mini for Bo-bella? To ease the sticker shock.
I mean just compare:
It may be loaded with zealous true believers, but it is not the dark side, really!
Althought there is this guy who always wears black…
Digging this tune – have to check out the album now.