Forecast for Tuesday: Sky Blue Sky
For my favorite artists, I’m still a “have it / hold it” kind of guy when it comes to new albums. I have the need and desire to venture out to my local record store (can I still call it that?), pay my money down, and walk out with the new CD in hand.
Wilco is one of those artists for me. I’ve even shown some restraint in this digital age of album leaks and streaming previews, and avoided listening to their new album, Sky Blue Sky. I’ve only heard “What Light” and “Side With the Seeds”.
Like a lot of you, I like the butterflies in my stomach when I finally get through the plastic wrap, pull off those annoying little tabs, extract the CD, and insert it into my car’s CD player. Weird to think, but even CD’s feel old school these days, much like albums did when CD’s took over my life in the late 80’s.
So yeah, I’m a bit excited to listen to Sky Blue Sky all the way through. So if you can’t make it to the local record store, and you want that CD in hand, go ahead and pick ’em up here.
Buy Sky Blue Sky.
Photo credit: TBD
Although I haven’t picked up Sky Blue Sky yet – I can’t make up my mind whether I need the cd+dvd version or the lp+cd version, and they did not manufacture a cd+lp+dvd package – I know from listening to the full-album stream that it will be right up near the top of my favourite records of 2007. Right now, though, my money for the top position would be on Patty Griffin’s breathtaking album – have you heard it yet? It is very much deserving of the metacritic kudos it has been receiving…
I have to give the Patty Griffin album a few good listens.. I got it a couple months ago but just listened once so far. This Wilco CD has been repeating all day here at work. It’s brilliant in my opinion. I was all for the crazy sounds and improv spirit of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and A Ghost is Born, but it’s nice to have them return somewhat to their roots. Nice, easygoing, well written, well executed pop-rock-alt-country…………. it may shake off some of the bandwagon hipsters that their last couple albums picked up… like a dog shaking itself after coming out of the water…
I know what you mean – between the 5.2 “dadrock” review on Pitchfork and Entertainment Weekly (in an A- review) calling it “the best Eagles record the Eagles never made”, they should lose most of the hipsters. As someone who genuinely enjoys patently uncool 1970s singer/songwriter stuff like Jackson Browne, Warren Zevon or Bonnie Raitt (and yes, I own some Eagles too), I really like the warm sound of this record. The funny thing though is that if you’ve followed Tweedy’s work, this isn’t much of a left turn – it isn’t so far in sound from the Down With Wilco album, after all…
By the way, did you hear that Bruce joined Brian Wilson onstage last week? I think my head would’ve exploded if I had been at that show!