Ickmusic Giveaway: New Joshua Tree Deluxe Edition

I’m about to make a U2 fan – or the U2 fan in someone’s life – very happy. I have a fresh copy of the newly remastered Joshua Tree album. But not only that. This is the deluxe edition, baby, and includes a second CD of B-sides and demos from the original sessions. It’s got a beautiful hard cover booklet to go with it – and I can’t quite figure out why I’m not greedily grasping on to it, but I’m givin’ it away. Must be the Christmas spirit. It’s certainly not due to the dismal amount of comments I’ve been receiving around here lately – you slackers.
So as exhibited in a giveaway of yore – we honor U2’s roots and return to the Irish limerick contest. This one has to be good. Here are some groundrules:
- Leave a Comment below with your limerick. Be sure to include your email address (no one else can see it).
- It has to at least loosely adhere to the rules of a limerick. A rhyming scheme of AABBA. Here’s the Wikipedia entry on limericks. Or follow the steps here.
- It has to mention a member of U2: Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton, or Larry Mullen.
- Bonus points for working in a lyric or song name.
- UPDATED: I’ll allow 2 entries per person if you’re inspired…
- I’ll pick my favorite from the Comments in a week or so.
Leave ’em in the comments below and let her rip! Good luck!
Now for some assorted U2 goodness…
- BUY the Joshua Tree (Remastered / Expanded) (Deluxe Edition) (2CD)
- BUY the Joshua Tree (Remastered / Expanded) (Super Deluxe Edition) (2CD/DVD)
- Watch Bruce Springsteen induct U2 into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Part One | Part Two
- U2’s Official Site
Find out more about the new Joshua Tree release after the jump.
U2’s The Joshua Tree has been meticulously remastered from the original analog master tapes to mark 20 years since its release and will be available on November 20, 2007.
“There has been continuous demand from U2 fans to have The Joshua Tree properly re-mastered,” says Paul McGuinness. “As always, the band had to make sure it was right, and now it is.”
In 1987, The Joshua Tree reached Number 1 around the world and won a Grammy© for Album of the Year, while U2 won the Brit Award for Best International Act and Time Magazine put the band on its cover, proclaiming them “Rock’s Hottest Ticket”. Including the singles “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” “Where The Streets Have No Name” and “With Or Without You,” The Joshua Tree went on to sell in excess of 20 million.
The album will be available in four formats:
- A standard CD featuring liner notes from Bill Flanagan, lyrics and unseen photographs from long time collaborator Anton Corbijn.
- A double 12″ gatefold vinyl format, with the original album pressed across two 180 gram audiophile discs.
- A deluxe edition including a second CD of b-sides and demos from the original album sessions.
- A limited edition box set containing two CD’s and a DVD featuring The Joshua Tree Tour live from the Hippodrome in Paris and other rare video footage.
The CD track listing is as follows: “Where The Streets Have No Name,” “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” “With Or Without You,” “Bullet The Blue Sky,” “Running To Stand Still,” “Red Hill Mining Town,” “In God’s Country,” “Trip Through Your Wires,” “One Tree Hill,” “Exit” and “Mothers Of The Disappeared.”
There once was a band from Dublin
Who’s sound was mighty and rumblin’
Their drummer was sullen
His fate he was Mullen
But a Beautiful Day was soon comin’
There once was a man from Nantucket…
Good luck everyone!!
There once was a band called a plane
With two guys who each had one name
Feeding those with or without
Sundays, bullets, and doubt
With guitar lines that all sound the same
Dammit! Nothing really rhymes with Dublin! But Jeffro is awesome.
There once was a man named The Edge
His mastery of guitar I will pledge
His schtick was delay
And he milked it—but hey!
There’s worse rivers one could dredge.
Jeffro is awesome, I already lost this competition.
But here is a response…
They have much to say,
about despair and dismay.
They knew what it took,
just one guitar hook,
to increase our awareness each day.
Scratch that , failed to adhere to the rules…
Bono has much to say,
about despair in the world today.
The Edge knew what it took,
just one guitar hook,
to increase our awareness each day.
Sorry for the double post Pete.
Tim Reza
There once was a lurker named Tim
Who tried for this prize on a whim
“I may have an Edge”,
“My bets I will Hedge”
but didn’t realize his chances were Slim!
The music of four sons of Eire
Lit an Unforgettable Fire
From Tree to hedge
And Edge to Edge
The flames, they only grew higher
I’m not entering, but can we vote? Juano rawks… excellent meter.
Private Beach
As Bono looked over the hedge
He saw Adam, Larry and Edge
Escaping on feet
After gobbling their meat
But forgetting to eat up their veg.
Yeah, it sucks, I know, but at least it rhymes!
As a band, U2 is far from the worst
In my book, however, their name is not first
“Overrated! Too political!” Has long been my boast.
“3-note guitar solos don’t garner a toast!”
With a collector’s edition, though, that bubble might burst!
Daniel Ross
There once was U2, formed by Mullen
Whose early work was often sullen
Bono sang “in te domine”
And continued with “Beautiful Day”
But still no rhymes for Mullen
Edmund Conti
“The Joshua Tree” points the way
To four guys who really can play.
With Clayton on bass
I’ll just rest my case.
Will this be their “Exit”? No way!
Derryl Murphy
A band called U2 came to play
A stadium in town here one day
With guitars screaming loudly
And Bono quite proudly
Singing “One” and more songs for his pay
Rich K
Their frontman once was known as Bono Vox
He had god-awful 80’s mullet locks
But the earnest “not a rebel song” Bono
Soon became the ultra-hip MacPhisto
And now I’d be honored to have the deluxe box!
Daniel’s at a loss with Mullen.
It’s Pete he’s trying to lull in.
There is a box set in play,
but he can’t seize the day.
Perhaps he can bring Jethro Tull in?
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Maybe it it time for a commentary culling?
Doug Harris
The Edge said, “There’s a rumour it’s true
That this band is just all about you.”
Bono squealed, “It’s inclusive!”
And then (waxing effusive) …
“Here’s the proof – I have named it ‘You Too'”.
Doug Harris
“Though I still haven’t found what I’ve lost” –
Bono said. Edge’s smart-arse riposte:
“It’s those posey sunglasses,
They’re as dark as molasses!
And ’tis time, in the bin, they were tossed”.
Okay, clearly I should have mentioned one entry per person in the rules, but since Doug (a ringer?) has submitted two, I now declare a two submission max. I’ll update the rules.
These are great!
A tourbus was perched on a ledge,
After the band drove it right thru a hedge.
When Adam got out to check,
Bono said “What the heck!”
And he drove it right over the Edge.
…a follow-up—after the wreck chronicled previously:
Three quarters were dead, we do fear!
When the bus o’er the cliff, it did veer.
Though Bono felt sullen,
He left behind Mullen,
And launched his new solo career.
I still haven’t found what I seek
I’ve been out on the Edge for a week
Running to stand still
Up a one tree hill
And I really need to take a leak
2nd entry ( I really want this!)
In the eighties this band ruled the game
Before them, all others were lame
But one question lingered
Not about the singer,
But a guitar player with a “The” for a name
Thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks. Tip your waitresses.
‘Twas Ickmusic Pete that felt sick
‘Cause only one winn’r he could pick
He thought all were dandy
but alas he picked Andy
For dark humor did do the trick!
Congrats Andy ! Stay tuned for more contests – in time, everyone will be a winna!
andy, you suck.
good luck!
The limericks I sent you were great
Though I admit they were both a bit late
You gave the CD away
What can I say?
Guess I’ll download at 128