New Tune: Hey Hey Arlene by Lions in the Street

Back in February when I posted about Vancouver’s Lions in the Street, I mentioned that their debut full length album would be out later this year. And doggone if that ain’t about to come true.
The first single draws heartily from the wells of The Blasters and Chuck Berry, and pretty much will blow the roof off your home or vehicle if turned up to the appropriate level. Which is L-O-U-D.
Look for their debut to be released on October 17th, both digitally and mail order CD. By the way, this is another quality band on Twitter, doing a lot more than just plugging gigs. They recently hipped me to the importance of watching Pink Floyd’s Live at Pompeii DVD. Glad they did. So follow ’em if you tweet.
Lions in the Street – “Hey Hey Arlene”
Visit: LITS Official Site | Twitter