It’s Good to Leave Home

If you find yourself with an extra half hour today, you should really listen to the Ramones 2nd album, 1977’s Leave Home. I’ve been getting back in the swing of things after more than two weeks of vacation, and yesterday, in the midst of catching up with my backed up work email, I stepped back, took a deep breath, turned up the speakers, and cranked Leave Home.
“Glad To See You Go”, “Suzy Is A Headbanger”, “California Sun”, “Pinhead”, “You’re Gonna Kill That Girl”, and my album favorite – “Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment”… a therapeutic tour de force of headbanging rock n’ roll NY punk.
It does the body good.
Leave Home on Amazon / Spotify
If you can’t spare half an hour, surely you can spare a minute and 35 seconds?
“I was feeling SICK, losing my mind, heard about this treatment by a friend of mine…”