• ickmix3

    Ickmix 3

    ‘Tis time for another Ickmix. This is my best one yet, if I may toot my own horn. Toot.

    Take a little trip with me, yah? Oh and check my fancy intro.

    Download Ickmix 3 (57MB, 41:38)

    Playlist :

    1.“Brother Lee” – Citizen Cope

    2. “Revolution Rock” – The Clash

    3. “Freedom Park” – Marah – from 20,000 Streets Under the Sky

    4. “Big Fish” – Giant Sand

    5. “Hey Truckers” – Andre Williams & the Sadies- Amazon

    6. “Helicopter” – M. Ward

    7. “John Allyn Smith Sails” – Okkervil River

    8. “Parachutes” – Pearl Jam

    9. “Teresa” – Los Super Seven

    10. “Panama” – Jerry Joseph & the Jackmormons

  • The Sadies
    Country Rock,  Soul

    The Sadies and Mister Williams break it on down

    If you have a spare 6 minutes and 32 seconds, listen to this snippet from NPR’s American Routes. It’s a short interview with the Canadian band the Sadies (with some clips of their tunes).

    The Sadies are a mix of bluegrass, country, surf and garage rock, among others…here’s a taste:

    Buy: The Sadies on Amazon

    One thing they talk about in the interview is their collaboration with Andre Williams, an R&B pioneer from Detroit. This man has been around since the 50’s, and it would take me all day to talk about the things he’s done, so read here for his bio. But basically, Andre had some serious drug issues in the 80’s & 90’s and ended up living on the streets. He cleaned himself up though, and has been releasing albums again with the likes of the Sadies, and a couple of guys from the Demolition Doll Rods. Now, Mick Collins and Dan Kroha are the two fellows from the DDR’s, and they wrote everything on Andre’s 1998 release, ‘Silky’ (along with Andre), including this cool rollicking surf shuffle….

    Ohh, you’re gonna like this.

    Buy: Silky

    Photo credit: https://www.thesadies.net/gallery