The Friday Five: November 27, 2009
Friday Five : ˈfrī-(ˌ)dā,-dē ˈfīv : On the sixth day of every week I hit the shuffle button on my iTunes and share my five and drop a little knowledge and insight for each track. Sometimes there is a playlist involved, sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes we have guest, but most of the time it’s just me. The rest is up to you, our friends and readers! Fire up your media player of choice and share the first five random track of your shuffle in the comments.
Editor’s Note: My tryptophan-addled brain completely failed to realize that it was Friday until just about an hour ago, despite the fact that I’m working! Here’s a ‘live’ five for you to enjoy this weekend!
The Five:
Sunny Day Real Estate – “Pheurton Skeurto” (from Sunny Day Real Estate, 1994)
A quiet island in a stormy sea, “Pheurton Skeurto” is a jaunty sea shanty with impossible lyrics and one of my favorite tracks on the seminal emo band’s self-titled debut.
The Beatles – “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away” (mp3) (from Help!, 1965)
Lennon’s attempts at incorporating the folk influences of the day (specifically Bob Dylan) provide us with one of the most beautiful tunes in The Beatles catalog.
Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch – “Good Vibrations” (from Music for the People, 1991)
Occasionally the shuffle button betrays me. This could be one of those occasions.
Bush – “Machinehead” (from Sixteen Stone, 1994)
I’m going to go on record here and say that I never disliked Bush, but I never liked them all that much either. Of all their post-grunge (lite) tunes, this one was always a favorite.
Anthrax – “I’m the Man (Def Uncensored version)” (mp3) (from I’m the Man, 1987)
I’m so bad, I should be in detention.
What’s keeping you going on this Black Friday?