Incoming: Tom Waits hits Phoenix
If the ticket gods allow, I’ll be seeing Tom Waits live for the very first time next month, right here in Phoenix. For some reason – and I’m not complaining – Tom has chosen our sleepy little town to kick off his Glitter and Doom Tour for not one, but two nights at the Orpheum Theater. The theater holds a grand total of 1,364 people, so I’m expecting a bit of a challenge when tickets go on sale at noon this Friday on LiveNation (evil overlord of conglomeration).
I have to select one of the two nights. So what do you think people? Do I opt for the opening show of the tour on Tuesday, June 17th? Or show #2 the next night? I’m leaning toward opening night, just for the complete spontaneity and un-predictability of it all.
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Tom Waits – Picture in a Frame (mp3) – from VH-1’s Storytellers. Original comes from Mule Variations.
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Here’s Tom’s entertaining “press conference” last week to announce the tour.
Tour Dates:
06-17 Phoenix, AZ – Orpheum
06-18 Phoenix, AZ – Orpheum
06-20 El Paso, TX – Plaza Theatre
06-22 Houston, TX – Jones Hall
06-23 Dallas, TX – Palladium
06-25 Tulsa, OK – Brady Theatre
06-26 St. Louis, MO – Fox Theatre
06-28 Columbus, OH – Ohio Theatre
06-29 Knoxville, TN – Civic Theatre
07-01 Jacksonville, FL – Moran Theatre
07-02 Mobile, AL – Saenger Theatre
07-03 Birmingham, AL – Alabama Theatre
07-05 Atlanta, GA – Fox TheatreLinks: Tom
Iggy and Tom – Coffee and Cigarettes
Tonight, I bought a Henry Rollins Show off of iTunes for $1.99. He interviewed the Stooges. Great interview. Off I went to YouTube to watch some old Stooges footage. Sooner or later I ended up watching this clip from Jim Jarmusch’s 2003 film Coffee and Cigarettes. I sat transfixed for this 10 minutes of uncomfortable conversation between Iggy Pop and Tom Waits. There’s something about this clip that just reeled me in. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
Needless to say, Coffee and Cigarettes just went to the top of my Netflix queue.
Tasty Update: Just posted this morning, the Popdose Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tom Waits!
Sunday Grab Bag
A trio of tunes that sum up my mood this Sunday in the 115 degree Arizona desert.
Morning: A Tribe Called Quest – Mr. Muhammad – A cup of coffee, the Sunday paper, and “Mr. Muhammad” piping through the household. Heads a bobbin’ courtesy of the Tribe, from their awesome debut album – deep breath – People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm.
Afternoon:Kaiser Chiefs – I Predict a Riot – This is hands down one of the best take-no-prisoners rock n roll song I’ve heard all year. If you’re not jumping up and down when the choruses kick in on this one, you have no soul. You should check out the video of the K. Chiefs performing this tune to open up Philly’s Live 8 concerts a couple weeks ago. I never thought I’d say this, but thank you AOL for showing VH-1 and MTV how it’s done. From Employment.
Evening: Tom Waits – Kentucky Avenue – Well it’s evening time in Arizona… only 101 degrees, and it’s time to wind down with Tom Waits, smoothly croaking out this great ballad from 1978’s Blue Valentine.