The Friday Five: January 22, 2010
Friday Five : ‘frī-(,)dā,-dē ‘fīv : On the sixth day of every week, I hit the shuffle button on my iTunes, then share the first five tracks and thought for each track. Sometimes there is a playlist involved, occasionally we’ll have a guest, but most of the time it’s just me. The rest is up to you, our friends and readers! Fire up your media player of choice and share the first five random track of your shuffle in the comments.
Editor’s Note: The nightmare of recovering my hard drive continues, so I’m still relying on my iPod to provide the shuffle. Hopefully I’ll be back up and running by next week’s Friday Five. – Michael
The Five:
1. “Buddy Holly” by Weezer (from Weezer, 1994)
My 11-year old son absolutely loves Weezer, so much so that he’s taken to belting out “Say it Ain’t So,” spontaneously.
2. “Each Year” by Ra Ra Riot (from The Rhumb Line, 2008)
I never get tired of hearing this record. With any luck, we’ll get something new from the band in the next year.
3. “WWXII” by The Damnwells (from One Great Century, 2009)
A somber view of the secondhand victims of war, the refrain of this song stings like nails; “We don’t feel no shame / And we don’t take the blame / Men on TV tell me there’s no other way / We’ve got to take mama’s baby away.”
4. “I Love U in Me” by Prince (from The Hits/The B-Sides, 1993)
One of the most beautifully dirty tunes in the Prince’s catalog.
5. “Black” by Pearl Jam (from Ten, 1992)
I finally purchased 2008’s “Legacy Edition” of Ten just before the holidays, and found myself wrapped back up in the impact of this set of songs had on my life and “Black” is definitely a high point of that.
What’s on your shuffle today?
The Friday Five: November 13, 2009
Friday Five : ˈfrī-(ˌ)dā,-dē ˈfīv : On the sixth day of every week I hit the shuffle button on my iTunes and share my five and drop a little knowledge and insight for each track. Sometimes there is a playlist involved, sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes we have guest, but most of the time it’s just me. The rest is up to you, our friends and readers! Fire up your media player of choice and share the first five random track of your shuffle in the comments.
Editor’s Note: While short on time it occurred to me that I always have time for some twitter-sized goodness so once again, this week’s five is all in 140 characters or less. @michaelparrThe Five:
Prince & The Revolution – “Paisley Park” (from Around the World in a Day, 1995)
Paisley Park is in your heart. I’ve spent a bit of time considering my ‘Desert Island’ discs lately, and I keep coming back to this record.
The Damnwells – “Down With the Ship” (mp3) (from One Last Century, 2009)
My earliest contender for album of the year, this record delivers on every level. You can help the band fund their next release here.
Weezer – “Buddy Holly” (from Weezer, 1994)
Save for “Say It Ain’t So” and playing “Undone – The Sweater Song” on Rock Band, I rarely listen to Weezer. I do still love those songs.
Janet Jackson – “Control” (mp3) (from Control, 1986)
This really should have been billed as Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis – “Control” (feat. Janet Jackson), I’m just saying.
Camera Obscura – “French Navy” (from My Maudlin Career, 2009)
Another contender for album of the year,My Maudlin Career is the happiest group of utterly depressing songs you’ll ever listen to.
What’s next on your shuffle?