Tin Pan Tuesday
Robert Plant. The name conjures something in your heads. Whatever your judgments and preconceptions regarding the man, erase them all, and check out his new album, ‘Mighty Rearranger’. I bought it a couple days after its release a week ago, and it pretty much has followed me around from CD player to CD player all week.
Adjective time: Fresh, eclectic, exotic, and brilliantly unique. Surprised the bejeezus out of me. I give you my favorite of the moment…
Robert Plant: Tin Pan Valley ~ ~ from Mighty Rearranger [buy it]
One Comment
Eric M.
OK OK You’ve created a monster. This is a great album. Robert Plant has grown musically while paying homage to his roots like no other artist. His choice of musicians has added to his last few albums tremendously. I have listened to a little Portishead and enjoyed it. I am not familiar with Massive Attack. Plant’s Dreamland CD was very good. This tops it. Windows down, open road, cranked.
Eric M.