Beck on SNL: Gettin Funky at the Dinner Table
Watch this before it gets removed…this is the best SNL musical performance I’ve seen in some time.
Update: YouTube pulled it off. A damn shame too, since NBC is too lame to have it up on their site. They have to make these things available. Get with the times NBC!!!!
Update II: The game of cat and mouse continues. Try this one!
Update III: Gone baby gone…
Its’ already gone.
that didn’t take long. Time to join the internet age NBC!
Too bad I heard about that performance, wanted to see it.
If NBC had any brains whatsoever, they’d put it up online after the show, when the buzz is strongest. I saw that CBS has a YouTube presence now, showing clips from their shows.
This one’ll come up again p-oz, and when it does, I’ll repost.
I tracked it down for ya!
This guy had the good sense to rip it and post it on his blog. Go rip it quick so that when the pricks at NBC make him take it down, we can keep it circulating!
Enjoy! (and you’re welcome.)
soulbrotha – appreciate the thought, but there’s no link!