Ickmusic Giveaway: New Crowded House

Any Crowded House fans out there? It’s time for a giveaway, and this time it’s the new release from Australia’s Crowded House, who, after an 11-year hiatus, are back with the new album – Time on Earth – and a full tour. Once again, a great band I would go see skips Phoenix on their itinerary. Luckily I’ll catch them at the Austin City Limits Music Festival in September.
I can’t count myself as a huge fan of Crowded House, but I did buy Temple of Low Men on vinyl back in the day (1988), and I think “Better Be Home Soon” is one of the finer songs to pass through these ears. The original lineup was Neil Finn, Nick Seymour, and Paul Hester. Sadly, Hester took his own life in March 2005. You parents of young children would also recognize Hester as the chef on The Wiggles. You know, the one that sang along with them on “Fruit Salad'”? That was Paul.
The new album, Time on Earth, was released on July 2nd. I’ve had a few listens and am enjoying it thus far.
So as is the norm around these parts, leave a comment below to enter into the CD giveaway. Anyone gonna check them out on tour?
Crowded House’s Official Site
Check out video of their Live Earth performance over at Krup’s Place.
I can see why you might not like them, but, I love Crowded House, the peppy music with melancholy lyrics…just the right mix of uplifting and depressing
Did it come across as if I don’t like them? Not true at all. I just haven’t been a big fan (I only own one record – well, two including the new one).
Jim Russell
I love all the incarnations of the Finns — Split Enz, Crowded House, the Finn Brothers (“Everyone Is Here” is a fantastic CD). If Crowded House is coming anywhere near New Jersey, I’ll be there…
bill cassara
I am a huge fan, and will see them in Atlanta. My brother was going to go with me, but he just took a job on the coast and can’t make it. So, Pete, if you want to come to Atlanta, his ticket is your’s. All you have to do is cover the air fare.
I quite like Crowded House. They have a big following over here in Belgium. Everyone here is still talking about their remarkable festival concert where the sun broke through after a whole day of rain just as they started ‘Weather with you’. Magical!
PS: If you dont want to ship to Europe, thats cool. Just consider this post an encouraging applause for a wonderful site!
Scott Bernstein
I got the album a few weeks back. Upon first listen nothing really caught my ear. Then I saw Crowded House live last week, and I fell in love with the new tunes. Now I can’t stop listening to the album.
These guys rule, and I hope to see them again soon.
“Weather With You” is one of my favorite all time desert island songs… I’ll admit to being a pedestrian Crowded House fan, but I do enjoy the Borthers Finn…
David M.
Always been a fan of Crowded House (and Split Enz, before that, and solo Finn Brothers music since).
“Don’t Dream It’s Over” was actually our wedding song…kind of an unusual choice, admittedly but we’re still together after almost 17 years…and that was the song we both liked most while planning our wedding…Also caught Tim Finn at the Paradise Theater in Boston where he did his entire album (Tim Finn…2004) in the same order as the songs were on the disc…but an extremely talented and entertaining guy…
David M.
I love CH, and am got my tix for Chicago. I’ve seen Neil a few times, and once with his brother. THAT was an awesome night.
Richard Brandt
What Crowded House song *wouldn’t* make a good wedding song? Next time, I’m going for “Better Be Home Soon.”
First the boss (“Tunnel of Love” rules) and now CH. This has been a stellar week at Ick. I already own the album, which I think is outstanding. It gets better with each listen. Knowing that they’re going to record new music (as a full band) next year should have all CH fans excited. Please post some pics from the show.
“Don’t Stop Now” off the new album is a really solid single and the video doesn’t let down either.
Any good home should have a copy of at least the Crowded House compilation, no? I look forward to hearing the new album (if I win it) – Neil is one of his generation’s greatest pop songwriters, and I can’t say I’ve ever been let down by an album of his (Split Enz/Crowded House/solo).
*Love* this band. Hope to pick this album up on vinyl if I can find it at reasonable $$$. Great blog, BTW!
Jeez, I’d forgotten “Better Be Home Soon.” I’ve always loved this band, but haven’t listened to them for ages.
I’ve been a fan of the Finns since I saw Split Enz perform “I Got You” on “American Bandstand.” The brothers are great songwriters that produce catchy, melodic tunes with intelligent lyrics. It’s good stuff.
Sadly, I have only been able to see one concert from any of the incarnations – the Enz opened for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers a lo-o-ong time ago. Maybe I’ll get lucky on this tour.
Thanks all for the nice comments. The Big Winner this time ’round is bill… Congrats Bill!
mario (cro)
Hi there!
I am a huge fan of Crowded House and anything that Neil does. I have already been at Vienna in October 2007. to see Crowdies, and have plans to see them in Zurich this summer. Also like Finn Brothers very much, but unfortunately in all country I cant find their first album “FINN” from 1995 to buy it. So, I would like to ask someone, anyone, with good will to uploaded it to some “share” pages and post me link to that page. I would be very greatfull.