A Promising Week
Well, on Tuesday morning I said I’d see you on the other side. And here we are. And you know what? The other side is a good place! On January 20th, Barack Obama will be sworn in as 44th president of the United States.
Granted, this country is in a mess, and our new president has an enormous series of tasks in front of him, but to know that we’ll have an intelligent, coherent, rational, calm presence in the White House is so refreshing to me.
And to think also that this nation – a country that still has a looong way to go with its race issues – elected an African American to the highest office in the land… I find it profoundly encouraging. And so does most of the country and the world. I can’t understand how anyone can fail to be deeply moved (in a very positive way) by the events of the last week. But everyone sees different things in different ways. Hopefully Obama will help ease the doubts, fears, and in a lot of cases, the hatred and the venom among his detractors.
For this white American dude, his African-American bride (born in Kenya, raised in Seychelles), and our two gorgeous girls, this week was like a burst of sun through the clouds.
Bob Marley & the Wailers – Coming in From the Cold
SHORPY – An Amazing Web Site
If you’re a history buff like me, you will love this site. Dave regularly posts high resolution photographs from times long gone, which offer vivid, often breathtaking views into the past.
Here are a few examples. Click them to see the high res versions… Seriously, look at the high res images. Stunning.

Thanks so much for introducing me to this photo site. It is strange how you fine out about internet sites after so many years. Please allow me to recommend one to you. It is on the Boston Globe site, a photo blog called The Big Picture.
I’m with you Pete. I also hope that I can get a ticket to the inauguration, since on tuesday night, I wanted so badly to be in Chicago.
Michael Mooney
Small world. I was in Romeroville last spring. It doesn’t exist anymore, but a couple of the buildings are still standing. Very nice site you have here.