• Kamasi Washington
    Jazz,  Live

    Recap: Kamasi Washington at the Mesa Arts Center

    Kamasi Washington wrapped up the US leg of his Fearless Movement tour on Tuesday (June 11) with a stop at the Ikeda Theater (Mesa Arts Center) here in Mesa, AZ.

    I became aware of Kamasi Washington back in 2015 with his release of The Epic, which introduced a lot of us to his unique brand of spaced out jazz, funk and R&B. He’s a breath of fresh air in the music landscape, someone unapologetically unique. So when I heard he’d be playing an excellent venue 25 minutes from my home, I couldn’t pass it up. 

    Fearless Movement was released earlier this year, and the ensuing tour has focused solely on songs from that collection. The band is made up of Kamasi on sax (& some keys), Brandon Coleman on keyboards, Miles Mosley on bass, Tony Austin on drums, singer Patrice Quinn , DJ Battlecat on the rig, Ryan Porter on trombone, and Kamasi’s father Ricky Washington on flute and soprano sax. 

    Kamasi Washington on saxophone
    Kamasi Washington 6-11-2024

    As you’d expect, the musicianship is top shelf, premium-caliber stuff. The rhythm section alone had me spellbound at times. Tony Mosley on upright bass, three stripes painted on his face, dressed like a counterculture paramilitary badass, whipped out his bow and effects for a couple of really cool solos.  Tony Austin, behind the kit, with his varying tempos, fills and rapid fire attacks. Each song tends to go several different directions style and tempo-wise, and Tony was on point, tapping and crashing and filling and just complementing the musicians so well. 

    Although the set list has been static during the tour, it’s clear that each song is an adventure in improvisation. It had been a long time since I was up close and personal with a jazz group, so from the 5th row, watching Kamasi and the band trade measures was something to behold. There were some cool moments during some solos when Kamasi and trombonist Porter would talk on the side and coordinate their next horn part – Kamasi playing a little sample off-mic into Porter’s ear. Nods were exchanged, and they’d roll into that next horn part a few moments later.

    Kamasi took some time to introduce some of the tunes. The intro I enjoyed most was his story behind “Asha the First.” Kamasi has a 3-year old daughter named – yep, Asha. He told the story of her love for playing around on the keyboards at home – at all hours of the early morning and day. Kamasi witnessed an epiphany for Asha one day when she figured out that she can go back to the same notes and repeat them. Kamasi then played a little sample on the keys of what she played that day. Five notes followed by a slightly different five notes, then repeated (and repeated). Kamasi recorded her that day, and turned her tune into “Asha the First.”

    Kamasi Washington and band
    Kamasi Washington and band 6-11-2024

    Another tune that resonated with me was the opener “Lesanu” – which Kamasi mentioned is a prayer in gratitude… to Music. I can relate, as can those of you who find yourself at this web site , or in the crowd at live shows. Music doesn’t hit everyone the same way. For people like Kamasi, myself, and probably you the reader, music is life itself. It’s woven into our DNA and our thoughts at every waking hour. 

    The new record also features a cover of Zapp’s “Computer Love” – one of my favorite old school joints from the mid-80’s. Kamasi mentioned his admiration for late Zapp frontman Roger Troutman (I was lucky enough to see Roger & Zapp on that ‘Zapp IV’ tour way back then). Patrice Quinn did the female vocal honors (Shirley Murdock was the singer on the original), and DJ Battlecat was on the talk box. Great to hear!

    “Interstellar Peace (the Last Stance)” was a journey out to the cosmos – written by keyboardist Brandon Coleman, Kamasi mentioned that he and Brandon share a love for all things space, and are buying up “bootleg rockets.”  In my quieter moments, I listen to a lot of ambient “space” music, so this was cool to hear. 

    All in all, just a great night for a music lover. The Ikeda Theater is a beautiful venue. It was probably 40% full and I was sitting in the 5th row. There was room to sit back, stretch out, sip a little Maker’s Mark on the rocks, and just be surrounded and awash in amazing musical talent. 

    Kamasi and band will play the Hollywood Bowl Jazz Festival on June 16th, and then, other than a couple of one offs, they have some time off until October, when they kick off their European tour.  See Kamasi and the band if you can!

  • Live

    Recap: Springsteen in Phoenix (March 19)

    bruce springsteen salutes the crowd in phoenix

    It’s been 19 days since the tour opener of the 2024 incarnation of Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band. The show took place here in Phoenix, his first show here since March 2016 (!) when Bruce and the Band performed The River start to finish, followed by a greatest hits set.

    It’s been 19 days, and it’s that old familiar feeling of slowly coming down from the experience of spending a few hours with Bruce. Stats-wise, it was my 10th E Street show, and 18th seeing Bruce (other shows include the ’92 band, solo tours, and the Seeger Sessions Band). 

    It’s been 19 days, and I’m still set list tracking as they travel from town to town, busting out the deep cuts (“Jole Blon,” “Tougher Than The Rest,” “Viva Las Vegas”).

    Yes, friends, somehow eight years passed between getting to see Bruce, and I can confirm that the magic and buzz you feel for weeks on end after a show still endures. And this time, I brought my youngest daughter – a senior in high school with mere weeks left in her school year. Crazy to think that the last time I saw Bruce she was only 9 years old. Now, she knows that special feeling too.

    I will offer one gripe about the ticket prices. The last several times, I bought pit tickets for under $200. This time around, with Ticketmaster’s brilliant “dynamic pricing,” those same pit tickets were going for $750! I’m still not a rich man, so I held out until a couple days before to see what I could stumble in to. In the end, I opted for behind the stage in the corner of stage right. Not optimal, but it was a cool vantage point, and what the hell, you’re in the building seeing Bruce Springsteen.

    Top to bottom, the set list did not disappoint, but if I were to give some personal highlights:

    • “Thunder Road”- among my top 3 Bruce tunes. The opening harmonica, the opening verse, the deep history steeped in this song; the bare bones versions I’ve loved (MTV Plugged, Live 85-95). Everything about it. Tears welled in my eyes.
    • “Don’t Play That Song (You Lied)” – From his latest album of lesser-known soul covers. This was the surprise of the night for me. The great background vocals with the singers stepping to the front with Bruce. This had me revisiting the album in the days after the show, and definitely gave me a new appreciation for this Ben E. King tune in particular.
    • “Last Man Standing” and “I’ll See You In My Dreams” – both acoustic, with the latter closing the show. They’re from his 2020 Letter To You album, and they pay tribute to his late bandmate George Theiss of Bruce’s first band, the Castiles. Bruce does such a great job of setting the background in an emotional, poignant way.  And for me, I’m just as happy watching Bruce alone with his guitar and voice – after all, those Devils & Dust and Ghost of Tom Joad shows are among my favorites. More goosebumps.
    • “No Surrender” and “Darlington County” from Born in the USA, which always hit right with me.
    • “Darkness on the Edge of Town” and “Backstreets” – the classic ballads, goosebumps every time.
    • Last and not least, looking over at my daughter and seeing a big smile plastered across her face, singing along to a bunch of the classics. A memory for a lifetime. Magic in the night.

    All I can hope for as a fan is that this wasn’t my last time seeing Bruce the Band. I pray for more.

    Bruce Springsteen sings Last Man Standing

    And now, 19 days later, I scan tonight’s show at the Forum in L.A… and… look at that, another tour debut! He just opened with “Open All Night” (last played in 2014). Lucky dogs. Off to Twitter for some breaking videos. 

  • Live

    Recap: Leif Vollebekk comes to Phoenix

    Leif Vollebekk performing in Phoenix

    Since discovering Leif Vollebekk’s music a few years back, I’ve looked forward to the day I’d see him live. Last night, St. Patrick’s Day 2022, was the night. Leif is back on a big tour, and thankfully he was booked into a cool small Phoenix club called Valley Bar – a speakeasy style venue that’s accessible from a downtown back alley off Central Avenue, down a flight of stairs. Really cool vibe. 

    Leif hails from Montreal, Canada, and his whole essence as a musician is infectious. He pours his heart & soul into his performances. You see him lost in the music, closing his eyes, waving his head – the same kind of soul-shaking moments at the piano and keys you’d see from Ray Charles.  And that voice man.. soulful, smooth with that ever so slight raspy-ness. Just gorgeous to watch and hear live. 

    The night was spontaneous, straying from the set list for moments like Prince’s early 80’s B-side “How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore” (maybe in response to a fan in the front row who was wearing a Prince shirt, as Leif pointed out). 

    As the pandemic decides to subside a bit for now, it’s intimate live moments like this I’m so glad to have back – a chance to stand 20 feet from a great musician, watching it happen in the moment. 

    Leif’s song “Transatlantic Flight” is one that resonates most with me.  I captured it all here.. enjoy.

  • Live,  Local,  Rock

    Recap: John Mellencamp at Comerica Theater in Phoenix

    I can’t quite figure out why it took me this long to see John Mellencamp live for the first time. Like so many other Americans around my age (that’s 45 in a few days), I came to know John Cougar (at the time) from the earliest days of MTV. I vividly recall a road trip to my old hometown in Minnesota over the holidays of 1982, and seeing the “Jack & Diane” video on constant rotation at my friend’s house, along with the other very limited number of music videos at the time. I fell in love with the song, and came to realize over the next few years – as John released hit after hit: “Pink Houses”, “Small Town”, “Crumbling’ Down”, “Authority Song” – that John’s music would remain with me for life.

    So for some reason, it took me 33 years (!) from the time I knew I loved his music to buy a ticket and go see him in concert. It was worth the wait.

    With his sharply dressed, crack band in tow, John sauntered on stage last night at Comerica Theater in downtown Phoenix and launched right into two blues-based numbers from his latest album, Plain Spoken: “Lawless Times” and “Troubled Man”. It was really something to see, with John and the band all dressed in black suits and a black dress for his long time violinist – and the floor lights lighting each of them individually… when John would finish the verse and chorus, he’d take a few steps back while at the same time the rest of the band would take a few steps forward to the front of the stage. It was simple but powerful choreography that shifted the focus to the players – a really cool idea that elicited fist pumps and goosebumps.

    But naturally, the crowd really came alive during John’s classic songs from the 80’s: “Minutes to Memories”, “Small Town”, “Check It Out”, “Rain On The Scarecrow”, and of course his biggest hit, “Jack & Diane”, which John performed solo on stage with his acoustic guitar. It was a playful, fun singalong version, with John teasing the crowd for skipping the “Suckin’ on a chili dog” second verse and going right to the chorus. It was one of those intimate moments between performer and  audience that you rarely experience – a shared experience with an old tune so tied into everyone’s younger years; most everyone in the crowd thinking back to what they were doing 33 years ago as the song spent 4 straight weeks at #1 on the Billboard charts.

    After a nice couple of songs from John’s play, The Ghost Brothers of Darkland County (which opening act Carlene Carter came out to sing), and a short violin/ accordion interlude of John’s tunes, the energy level went through the roof with old favorites ‘Rain on the Scarecrow”, “Paper In Fire”, and especially the final four tunes of the evening: “”Crumbling’ Down”, “Authority Song”, “Pink Houses” and “Cherry Bomb.”

    We weren’t ready for it end, and my buddy and I were somewhat shocked when John walked offstage after “Cherry Bomb” and the house lights immediately came on. The crowd was so amped up and ready for more, and let’s face it, how many headlining rock legend shows have you seen without an encore? It was an abrupt ending and somewhat of a buzz kill, as everyone wanted, needed, and expected more.  That’s my one “huh?” critique of an otherwise excellent evening.

    When all was said and done, John Mellencamp delivered the goods. His voice still in fine form, with all those same moves you’ve seen in videos and performances over the years. It was a treat, and a major music bucket list item checked off my list.

    Set List
    July 29th, 2015
    Comerica Theater, Phoenix, AZ

    Lawless Times
    Troubled Man
    Minutes to Memories
    Small Town
    Stones In My Passway
    Human Wheels
    The Isolation of Mister
    Check it Out
    Longest Days
    Jack & Diane (acoustic, solo)
    The Full Catastrophe
    Away From This World (Carlene Carter on vocals)
    Tear This Cabin Down (CC and JM on vocals)
    ~ Accordion / Violin Interlude ~
    Rain on the Scarecrow
    Paper in Fire
    If I Die Sudden
    Crumblin’ Down
    Authority Song
    Pink Houses
    Cherry Bomb

  • Live

    Janelle Monae: Electrifying [Tempe Recap]

    This woman is one of a kind. The Electric Lady, the title of Janelle Monáe’s latest album, is no joke. Electricity surges through her on stage: in the manic dance moves that channel James Brown, Michael Jackson, Prince, and Elvis; in the instant, interactive connection she makes with her audience; in her powerful, silky smooth singing; in that smile… in that Stage Presence. Wow!

    Yeah, Janelle owned the stage last night for a good hour and 45 minutes at the Marquee Theater in Tempe – my first, and definitely not my last time, seeing her live. A truly great performer is backed by a top notch, talented backing band, and Janelle brought one along: a powerful nine piece pop/soul/rock/funk outfit consisting of two backup singers, two horns, a drummer, a percussionist, guitarist, bassist, and keyboardist. Janelle and her band had the crowd, a couple thousand strong, buzzing from the start. It was the kind of eclectic crowd you’d see at a Prince show – black, white, young, old, gay, straight (“black, white, Puerto Rican everybody just a freakin’ good time..”as Prince once sang).

    You just can’t pigeonhole Janelle into a category. It’s not straight R&B, soul (or neosoul) or pop/rock. It’s a grab bag of all of these styles and influences. The supercharged pop of  “Dance Apocalyptic,” one of my favorites, made an early appearance, along with the down tempo R&B of  “Give Em What They Love” and the straight ahead funk of “Q.U.E.E.N”.  She ripped through “Tightrope” (from her great debut full-length, The ArchAndroid), along with a cover of the Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back.”

    The real magic, the full-circle realization that you’re seeing someone truly special, came during the four song encore. After coming back out to smooth out the crowd with “Primetime” (a ballad she sings with Miguel on Electric Lady), she launched into Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy,” which I first saw her perform during the 2010 BET Awards tribute to Prince (which you should watch here). If there’s any performer who’s fully qualified to cover the tune, it’s Janelle Monáe, with her manic intensity.

    And then came the highlight of the night for me and I’m sure most of the crowd: “Come Alive (War of the Roses).” The song, about 3 and a half minutes long on the ArchAndroid album, turned into a 10-15 minute clapping & dancing & shaking interactive workout. At one point as the band broke it down, Janelle motioned everyone to get down low, and damned if she didn’t have almost the whole crowd in the room crouching down low for a good three minutes (give or take a few too-cool-for-school audience members, who received jokingly glaring looks from her). There was the interactive call and response between Janelle and the crowd. There were the high energy band solos, as each of them got a chance to showcase their talents for 20 seconds or so… and then there was Janelle, finally jumping out into the crowd, surfing her way a good twenty feet in (see the pic above)…

    It was one of those live music moments every fan hopes for: when you say goodbye to reality for a few minutes and lose yourself in the moment. A deep connection with a performer that, when it’s all over, you realize you’re standing there with a huge smile plastered across your face.

    There are very few live performers who can channel into that space and establish that core connection with the audience. I’m lucky to say I’ve returned to see Prince and Springsteen do that to me more than two dozen times…

    Janelle Monáe has that magic too. I saw it last night.

  • BritPop,  Live

    The Power and Mystique Of Minneapolis

    Keane live at First Avenue in Minneapolis 2013

    On the fourth song into their set in the Main Room at First Avenue last night, Tom Chapman, lead singer of Battle, East Sussex’s Keane, realized he was going to have a personally transformative evening. It was during the devastating and tender track from their 2004 debut, Hopes and Fears, entitled “We Might As Well Be Strangers.” I saw him look out into the audience during the peak of the song and his face visibly changed.

    The mystique that is the club First Avenue wrote its fire in the sky long ago, even before Purple Rain. It used to be a cool place to hang out even when it was a Greyhound Bus Station back in the 1930s, with its art deco vibe, air conditioning and floor checked terrazzo (which is still there today and serves as foundation of the pit). In 1970, the club opened with a two set performance by Joe Cocker and his Mad Dog Englishmen. Fitting, really, that a Brit Rocker should christen what was to become the musical mecca of the Midwest.

    Over the years and as seen by the many stars painted on the exterior of the building, god-like geniuses from rock mythology have played the Main Room and the glorified closet known as 7th Street Entry, located in the same building. Clearly, the weight of this history overwhelmed Chapman, keyboard player Tim Rice Oxley, drummer Richard Hughes and bass player Jesse Quin. But they didn’t fail under the weight of it all. Instead, they rose to the occasion played a 21 song set that heated up the hearts of the 1500 strong audience in from the below-zero temperatures outside.

    After each song, I turned to my show companion, Todd (an Essex man, born and bred for musical mythology just like me) and found that his jaw was nearer to the floor than mine. We were bearing witness to yet another legendary performance at First Avenue being born. It was a shovel to the head stunning show with Chapman’s choir boy voice at the center of it all. Keane prides itself on being flawless during performances and last night was no exception. They were greatly aided by the addition of a new sound system (and a wider pit area…so long, spirally staircase with forbidden step!) and the magnificent crowd that became immediately connected to the band early in the evening.

    It was this synergy that created something quite magical last night and the emotion was evident on Tom’s face, growing stronger with each song. The set list  was a nice collection of their now 10 year history. Highlights for me were “My Shadow,” “She Has No Time,” and, of course, “Bedshaped,” one of the top ten most romantic songs of all time. Their new album, Strangeland, is a return to the feel of their debut and contains many fantastic songs, the title track being one of my favorites. The first cut on the record, “You Are Young,” is a wonderful testament from parent to child and has now become the show opener. I recommend picking up the deluxe edition as it has four extra tracks.

    With each song, I gazed around and looked at the denizens of the Ave and saw it all wash over and comfort them. Lovers snuggled, arms were raised, several thousand photos were taken and every word was sung by a chorus. Before the traditional show closer, “Crystal Ball,” Tom let his feelings on the evening be known. He was humbled by the connection that was made between band, venue and audience. He struggled to find the words to describe the nature of the relationship between music and Minneapolis and it was in this moment that I realized how deeply honest he was being.

    Words don’t come easily when the power of the heart and soul drives the light that is within all of us.

    Here are the rest of Keane’s tour dates in the United States. Here is the link to my photos of the evening.

  • Live,  R&B

    Recap: Cameo at the Celebrity Theater in Phoenix

    Everyone’s allowed a pure and simple nostalgia trip from time to time, right? For me tonight, it was the funk/soul/R&B of Cameo that brought me back to simpler days. Crazy to think that the last time I saw Cameo in concert, Ronald Reagan was president and I was a junior in high school.

    After discovering Prince in ’84, I threw myself into all the funky sounds I could get my hands on. Cameo was a huge part of that mid-80’s funk explosion in my life. Sitting in my room, cranking up the volume on “Flirt”, “I Just Want To Be”, “Candy”… and taping all the videos on BET’s Video Soul and New York Hot Tracks – “Attack Me With Your Love”, Single Life”, and of course “Word Up.”

    So when I saw that Cameo was stopping through Phoenix in this year 2013, I jumped all over it.

    The wife and I headed down to the Celebrity Theater, an old school theater-in-the-round room in Phoenix (Bruce Springsteen played there in 1974). It was around 9:30 when the house lights went down and out walked the familiar faces of Tomi Jenkins, Charlie Singleton (covered in a space-age silver Mardi-Gras mask), and of course the one and only Larry Blackmon.

    Larry’s put on a few pounds, shall we say, and can’t jump around with his bandmates like he used to, but the big ol’ red codpiece was still on display, and he was still busting out his signature moves… The rest of the band were fit as could be. They looked great. They busted out all the familiar moves, shaking it to “Candy”, “Single Life”, “Attack Me With Your Love”… slowing it down for “Why Have I Lost You” and “Sparkle”… and laying down the old school funk with “Flirt” and “Keep It Hot.”

    The crowd participation during “Candy” was a crowd favorite – with the ladies and the fellas trading off the line “It’s like Candy” one after another. Overall, the crowd was full of energy, and showed some serious love to the veterans of Cameo, now in their 34th year as a band.

    It wasn’t a long show – only 12 songs with no encore, lasting about 70-75 minutes. But we didn’t mind. Sure, we all wanted more, but we were happy just to forget about the day to day for part of a Friday night; to listen to the sounds that bring back those good memories, and be just fine with letting the nostalgia wash over for a little while. Music, sweet music…

    ~~~ Set List ~~~ 

    January 18, 2013
    Celebrity Theater
    Phoenix, AZ

    She’s Strange
    Single Life
    Attack Me With Your Love
    I’ve Got Your Image
    Why Have I Lost You
    Hangin Downtown
    I Just Want To Be
    Keep It Hot
    Word Up

    Here’s a little bit of “Flirt” from the show…

  • Live,  Rock n' Folk

    Recap: Los Lobos at Ovations LIVE! Showroom, June 15th

    Have I ever mentioned that I love Los Lobos? I have? Well, I’ll say it again: I love Los Lobos. Last night, they stopped into town at the Wild Horse Pass Casino outside Phoenix, playing the relatively new and impressive Ovations Live Showroom (pat-on-the-back mention: no money spent on gambling!).

    There are few things in this life that I enjoy more than listening to and watching David Hidalgo, Cesar Rojas, Louie Perez, Steve Berlin, and Conrad Lozano play their music (not to mention new drummer Enrique “Bugs” Gonzalez – whose infectious energy clearly rubbed off on the rest of the band).

    The diverse crowd was charged up (plenty of quality people watching, both inside the showroom and especially outside in the smoky expanse of the casino floor), pretty ladies were dancing in the aisles, and all was right with the world…

    Set List…

    Los Lobos
    Ovation Live Showroom
    Wild Horse Pass Casino
    Chandler, AZ
    June 15, 2012

    La Pistola y El Corazon
    Las Ojos de Pancha
    Arizona Skies >
    Borinquen Patria Mia
    Sabor a Mi
    Shakin’ Shakin’ Shakes
    The Neighborhood
    Chuco’s Cumbia
    Come On Let’s Go
    Wicked Rain
    Yo Canto *
    Papa was a Rolling Stone > *
    I Can’t Understand > *
    Oye Como Va *
    Volver Volver

    La Bamba >
    Good Lovin >
    La Bamba

    * Marcos Reyes from War on percussion

  • Live,  Roots Rock

    Los Lobos: Live at the Furthur Festival, 1996

    The first time I saw Los Lobos live was August 4th, 1996 as part of the Furthur Festival, launched by Bob Weir and Mickey Hart (two surviving members of the Grateful Dead) the year after Jerry Garcia’s passing.

    Along for the short summer tour was Ratdog (Weir’s band), Mickey Hart’s Mystery Box, Los Lobos, Hot Tuna, and Bruce Hornsby.

    Phoenix was the last stop on the tour. It was August. It was hot. And I was there.

    The Los Lobos set sparked a lifetime love of the band for me. The set was only 45 minutes long, but the rich and eclectic nature of the music reeled me in. Rock n’ roll, blues, traditional Mexican, a Hendrix cover, and of course what I came to know as their signature Dead cover of “Bertha” (done better than any band outside of the Grateful Dead).

    So I was stoked to come across this short but power-packed set (not to mention it’s a soundboard recording) from that very hot summer day in 1996, and I’m excited to share it with you all.

    Los Lobos: an American treasure. And they’re still out on the road. I’ll be catching them again in a couple of short weeks – June 15th at Wild Horse Pass Casino here in the Phoenix area. Life’s too short not to.

    Los Lobos
    August 4th, 1996
    Desert Sky Pavilion, Phoenix
    Furthur Festival (last show of the tour)

    Download ZIP of the whole set.

    Angel Dance
    I Walk Alone
    Spanish Castle Magic
    I Got to Let You Know
    Los Ojos de Pancha
    I Got Loaded (w/ Lovelight verse)
    Mas y Mas
    Bertha (w/ Pete Sears on keyboards)

  • Live

    Deer Tick roll through Phoenix [May 3rd Recap]

    For the second time in seven months, Rhode Island band Deer Tick stopped into the Crescent Ballroom in downtown Phoenix to rock the joint with their good time fusion of bar room rock n’ roll, folk, country and punk.

    The set list was largely similar to their last stop in October, featuring a bunch of tunes from their latest album Divine Providence. Once again, front man & “drunken devil” John McCauley showed why he’s one of the most raw and charismatic live performers out there. But he also shared the spotlight with his band mates – guitarist Ian O’Neil taking lead vocals on the fiery “Walkin Out the Door” and the electric piano-powered ballad “Now It’s Your Turn” (a tune whose intro reminds me of the Stones “Melody Motel”); and drummer Dennis Ryan sang “Clownin Around”, a tune he wrote about John Wayne Gacy.

    The DP songs grow stronger live as they log more days and weeks on the road. “Main Street”, “Funny Word” and “Miss K” are as strong and explosive as ever.

    Non-Divine Providence highlights for me were “Ashamed” (cool arrangement & a killer sax solo from Rob Crowell); “Easy” (my favorite tune from Born On Flag Day); “Not So Dense” (watching John scream “I watch 60 minutes go by hour after hour after hour!!“- priceless); but most of all, my favorite Deer Tick tune of ’em all – “Dirty Dishes” – which I’d never seen performed live in my previous three DT shows.

    Unlike the album version, they do the song a Capella in five part harmony. It started off a little shaky, with O’Neil jumping ahead of the others during the first verse. But everyone laughed it off and they were right back on track. The harmonies capture the sad beauty of the song, and it was a hell of a treat to see it live. If only we could get the crowd to shut their mouths during the quiet songs like this. Some people sure like to go to shows and spend their time talking and talking (and talking and talking). But what are you gonna do…

    Deer Tick delivered again – a fun, killer live band – one I’ll be obliged to go out & see whenever they roll through town.

    → And I have to mention the opening band, Nashville’s Turbo Fruits. I’d never heard of these guys before seeing them on the bill with Deer Tick. But Wowee & Holy Sheeet – pure adrenaline, hard-driving, Les Paul-thrashing, cymbal-crashing, flying scissor-kicking ROCK AND ROLL. If you’re going out to see Deer Tick, get there in time to see Turbo Fruits.

    Here’s “Dirty Dishes” from last night, starting near the beginning of the first verse…