The Happiest of Turkey Days to You
Happy Thansgiving to all. Enjoy your turkey dinners (you fellow carnivores out there). When the tryptophan kicks in after the meal, and it’s clearly nap time, why not treat your family to some Led Zeppelin – lullaby style?
Ah, but does tryptophan make you drowsy? Let’s consult Wikipedia, because we all believe everything we read on WIkipedia…
One widely-held belief is that heavy consumption of turkey meat (as for example in a Thanksgiving or Christmas feast) results in drowsiness, which has been attributed to high levels of tryptophan contained in turkey. While turkey does contain high levels of tryptophan, the amount is comparable to that contained in most other meats. Furthermore, postprandial Thanksgiving sedation may have more to do with what is consumed along with the turkey, in particular carbohydrates and alcohol, rather than the turkey itself. This is demonstrated in a popular episode of the sitcom “Seinfeld” when characters of the show drug a woman using turkey and alcohol in order to play with her toy collection.
“Postprandial Thanksgiving sedation“! Remember those three words and impress your family & friends around the dinner table!
Rockabye Baby – Thank You (mp3)
Rockabye Baby – Kashmir (mp3)
I think you just found your sweet-ass (or smart-ass) stocking stuffer for someone. Click the cover to check it out on Amazon.
March Fourth Marching Band
I’m a sucker for a brass band music experience, whether it’s the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Bruce’s Seeger Sessions Band, or even a kick ass high school marching band at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. So when our local scene rag here in Phoenix, the New Times, featured a review of the March Fourth Marching Band, I jumped into their web site and checked out some tunes. And I’m glad I did.
March Fourth Marching Band comes from Portland, and is your typical marching band – if they took 5 hits of acid each and marched through the Jim Rose Circus and a gypsy encampment.
A core 9 piece band. 10 drummers. 12 horn players. Stilt walkers. Go-go dancers. Lavish costumes. And some wildly entertaining and original music.Check out Niki D’Andrea’s great review – ‘Cabaret on Crack’ – over here on the New Times site.
And jump into the crack haus…
March Fourth Marching Band –
Crack Haus(mp3)Hear some more tunes, meet the individual members of the band and buy some of their songs over on their MySpace page.
I Can’t Get Behind That!
From what I know about his albums, William Shatner’s musical output could be written off as a novelty. But when I heard this Shatner / Henry Rollins spoken duet, if you will, it captured my attention. Not to mention I found myself emphatically nodding my head and agreeing with what they were saying, it speaks to my increasingly easily annoyed & cynical side. I guess I’m getting old(er).
From Has Been (2004).
One Year of IckMusic
Today marks exactly one year since my first post to IckMusic. My enthusiasm in maintaining it has stayed pretty strong throughout the year. Sometimes I do get a bit busy (or lazy), but rarely does 3 or 4 days go by without a post. I still get a kick out of checking my web stats on, and seeing how my posts reach people all over the world. Australians, Belgians, Japanese, Argentinians, the Brits, the Spanish, the French, and the list goes on and on. Pretty cool how something I do out of my loft in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona reaches the far corners of the world. It IS a small world after all.
As for the mp3 downloads, I’m partly suspicious that a lot of people out there are eager to get as much free music as they can, but the idealist in me likes to think that I’m expanding people’s musical horizons. I don’t have my finger on the pulse of the latest and greatest obscure music, like a lot of music bloggers do. I just share what I like at the time, whether old or new, artists well known or not so well known.
I love Comments. Music is the most powerful medium out there, in my opinion, and it’s great to receive feedback from readers around the world, and to read how a particular song or artist affects them. Everyone has a story, so I once again encourage readers / listeners to leave Comments. It’s quick, it’s painless, and it reminds me that there are human beings out there in cyberspace.
So thanks for visiting, especially all you “return visitors”, as Statcounter calls you. Drop a comment or an email to me from time to time.
And so here is a song that exemplifies this and other music blogs. I first heard it courtesy of FluxBlog I believe, right when I discovered this sub culture, this hidden jewel of the internet, this MP3 Blog World AKA Audioblogosphere. I promptly bought their CD. That’s how it works, music industry, that’s how it works Clear Channel (blechh). Where in the hell else would I have heard this quirky, manic, infectiously groove-a-licious song?
So as IckMusic celebrates its first anniversary, I thank the other bloggers out there, and I thank Sirius Satellite Radio, both who have turned me on to some great music in the past year, and who will continue to do so.
Need New Body:
Show Me Your Heart(mp3) – buy the CD, ‘UFO’What do you get when you cross Elvis and Bob Marley?
No, it’s not fried peanut butter & ganja sandwiches, it’s this ‘mash-up’ of Elvis’ “Crying in the Chapel” over the rrrrasta beat of Bob’s “Satisfy My Soul.”The great music blog The Suburbs Are Killing Us writes:
“Fuckin’ love song here, son.”
That’s what the King says at the end of what must be a modern mashup of ol’ Elvis croonin’ the Orioles’ 1953 hit “Crying in the Chapel” over the Wailers’ “Satisfy My Soul.” If there’s one thing that Elvis knows more than love, son, it’s Rasta biznezz. And snacks.The tune came out on a limited edition 7-inch last year, with Presley’s “In the Ghetto” vox laid over “Taurus Song” by Sound Dimension on the flip.