• Friday Five

    Ickmusic’s (late) Friday Five, November 21st, 2008

    Michael-el-el-el-el!!   *looking around*


    Well folks, Michael is AWOL this Friday, so although it’s late, I shall post my own Friday Five on behalf of Michael since we’ve had this feature going for about a bajillion weeks in a row.  Here’s what’s shuffling on my faithful Mac tonight…

    1. “Young Turks” – Rod Stewart. from Tonight I’m Yours: A great piece of early 80’s pop from Mr. Stewart.

    2. “God Knows What I Want” – Moodswings, from Psychedelicatessen: the first two Moodswings albums are high on my list of favorites. Total chill music, a lot of ambient instrumental stuff, interspersed with some beautiful vocals like on this tune.

    3. “Brownie Hawkeye” – Jason Collett, from Idols of Exile: I don’t listen to Jason enough. Always enjoy the indie-pop stuff he has to offer.

    4. “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” – Elvis Presley, from Elvis: 30 #1 Hits: Perfection. Timeless.

    5. “One Step Up” – Bruce Springsteen, from Love, Tears & Mystery: this is a great compilation from Bruce’s Devils & Dust tour. This one’s from August 3rd, 2005 (my 25th, I mean 35th birthday).

    Your turn!!  What’s shufflin’ in your corner of the world?

  • Roots Rock

    Hangovers with Jason Collett

    jason collett

    Once again demonstrating my prowess of being on the cutting edge of what’s going on in the music scene, I just discovered this Jason Collett song recently (thanks again, Sirius). It’s been out for a year now, it’s been posted by many mp3 bloggers (my man Craig at Songs:Illinois being one of the first, of course), but I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna throw it on ol’ Ickmusic, because it’s new to me! Besides, I have another related song to go along with it, a theme if you will, so there.

    The theme being hangovers of course. I’m 35 now. I’ve had many a hangover in my day. None in recent memory since those crazy party days seem to be a thing of the past with this whole “wife and kids” deal I have going now. My mom will remember one of my worst hangovers. 20 years old. Summer job. My mom woke me up at an ungodly hour to go to the ol’ machine shop for my daily sweeping, painting, and forklift operating. I stumble out of bed, stagger over to the flight of stairs and proceed to fall down them. Bad hangover. That only made it worse. You should have seen how close I parked the front end of my mom’s station wagon to the garage wall the night before. She wasn’t pleased with me that day.

    So yes, the song is “Hangover Days”, a happy-go-lucky roots-rockety duet with Jason Collett and Emily Haines. Jason is from Broken Social Scene, a musical collective of sorts from Toronto.

    Jason Collett: Hangover Days- from Idols of Exile

    The alt-countryish vibe, the hangover subject, and the duet brought to mind this song by the Supersuckers, which showed up on their “country album”, ‘Must’ve Been High’. Lead singer Eddie Spaghetti and Amy Nelson sing softly about the beauty of sharing a hangover.

    The Supersuckers: Hungover Together (mp3) – from Must’ve Been High