A Longer Dose of Computer Blues
Well, if you’ve been reading Ickmusic, you know that I like-a-da little Prince man. And you might know that his latest ALBUM, 3121, is unleashed to the world this Tuesday, March 21st. So do yourself a favor, listen to a couple of tunes by the man, then head over to Amazon to buy 3121. Cool? Cool.
A couple of relative rarities for you. First off, a couple of gems from ‘Purple Rain’. If you’ve ever heard the album, which most of us over say, 30, have, then you’ve heard “Computer Blue” segue into “Darling Nikki”. But did you know there’s a whole ‘nother section of “Computer Blue” that was edited out of the album. Well color you purple, go on and listen to it…
Prince & the Revolution: Computer Blue (extended), Darling Nikki (mp3)
And then check out this outtake from the Oscar-worthy (cough cough) film soundtrack, Graffiti Bridge.
Prince: The Grand Progression (mp3)
Buy 3121 (and any and all other Prince albums) at Amazon.
And my old buddy Chris in Miami is seeing the man live this Saturday night. Chris, you best post a review here afterwards…
3121 is pretty good, IMO. I have a few fav tracks, “Love”, “The Word”, & “The Dance” justa name a few. When it drops, it’s worth it 2 buy. Thanx 4 those tracks. I never heard “Computer Blue” extended b4, that was a treat. That GB outtake, I’ve only heard the title, never the song. It sounds..eh..um..VERY GB era. Prince as The Kid..standin’ on Seven Corners..singin’..Morris comes outta some where plannin’ 2 screw up/stop the song..LOL..I dunno, all that stuff comes 2 mind. Well, thanx 4 addin’ those tracks. Peace
The Ox
Hey there. I’m assuming you know this but, just in case, are you aware there are much longer versions of Computer Blue in circulating? My favorite, which is a rough mix of the full song with all parts finished (there is a version which is almost identical but doesn’t feature all parts) is about 11 minutes long and features a VERY strange speech by Prince about walking down a hallway. If you’re looking for it, you can drop me an e-mail via my site and I’ll send it to you.
I’m off to see the OX!
Chris Gustafson
Saw the man last night with Tamar in Miami. The show packs a lot of energy. Although Tamar was the headliner Prince did play a few of his songs. My highlight was Beautiful Strange. I bought 3121 yesterday, I guess no one informed the folks at Target the CD is suppose to be released on Tuesday.
Cool stuff… I’ve heard about the extended version, so it was great to finally hear it with my own ears. Thanks for posting it!
Chris Gustafson
Sorry about the terrible lack of information about the show but Tamar was energitic. The Twins were nice but not at the level of Prince or Tamar
.Tamar played mostly covers which were nice. Prince also played “Lets Go Crazy” and “Purple Rain”. Everybody loved the show but the funny thing is it was spring break and the youngsters headed in the club after us folks left. The club was going to make more money off the locals and breakers that most of us thirty something left. If it were not for the delicious pizza on 8th I probaly would be upset about all the hardbodies. Once a midwesterner always a midwesterner. Pete rememeber Gionanni Derango’s (enough said.)
Chris Gustafson
Drunken post. Giovanni Derango’s. Two babies and two parents. Your out numbered, even if it is two vs two.
Love you all (Myra did you really need to take hi last name?),