• Rickie Lee Jones

    Two from Rickie Lee

    Howard Stern had a great interview this morning with Carly Simon. Howard drilled down into her icy relationship with ex-husband James Taylor. Their mutual son – Ben Taylor – was in the studio as well, which made for an interesting dynamic. Long story short, Howard and Ben are joining forces to talk some sense into JT and at least get the former couple talking again. Howard is a great shrink, I’m telling ya.

    Hearing Carly Simon made me think of Rickie Lee Jones. Natural progression, right? I don’t know why, but I just associate one loosely with the other. Now let’s go back 15 years, shall we? I have exactly one Rickie Lee Jones album: Traffic From Paradise. It was her last record with Geffen, released in 1993. There’s some wonderful collaborations on the album with the likes of Leo Kottke, Brian Setzer, David Baerwald and Ickmusic hall of famer David Hidalgo. Kottke especially pervades the album, playing 6-string, 12-string, and slide acoustic guitar. Master of the session drummers (and drummer for the Traveling Wilburys) Jim Keltner pounds the skins.

    Two songs stand out on the album for me. The first is the crushingly beautiful “Beat Angels”. The background vocalists you hear are Hidalgo, Setzer, and Syd Straw. Hidalgo is also on eight string electric guitar.

    Rickie Lee Jones – Beat Angels

    The second track is the Jones/Kottke-penned “Running From Mercy”. Providing backing vocals here are Lyle Lovett, Kottke, Teresa Tudury, Sal Bernardi, and John Leftwich. Another one that reaches down into the soul…

    Rickie Lee Jones – Running From Mercy

    Rickie is still going strong. Check out her tour dates along the East Coast this June and July, and check out her latest, The Sermon on Exposition Blvd.

  • David Hidalgo and Louie Perez
    Latin,  Roots Rock

    Review: In Tucson with David Hidalgo and Louie Perez

    This past Sunday, I jumped on I-10 East and headed down to Tucson for a Dave & Louie show. Dave & Louie being David Hidalgo and Louie Perez, two members (and the main songwriters) of Los Lobos. The atmosphere and show format could not have been cooler: two 45 minute sets of music followed by a Q&A session – where audience members could step to the microphone and ask questions. Did I step to the mic? But of course! More on that later.

    Sunday’s Tucson show was the final stop on a short seven city tour of the West, celebrating almost 40 years of writing songs together.

  • Indie

    Accordion to Me – Arcade Fire and Willy DeVille

    Well I’m a little late to the party on this one, but I have to spread the good word of The Arcade Fire, a great band from Montreal. They’ve been all over the internet, all over the music blogs, and doggone it, they’re gettin’ to me. The song posted below was my first introduction to the band. Also, I found a page with several video links to a Lawrence, Kansas performance and interviews with the band.

    I’m always bad at categorizing / pigeonholing music, so I turn again to AMG, Arcade Fire is an “experimental indie rock quintet.” “Old Flame” is a great tune. Any tune that can kick it with an accordion is a-ok with me.

    From Arcade Fire Demo EP, self-released in 2003.

    Arcade Fire Official Site

    While we’re on an accordion kick, take a listen to Willy Deville‘s “Even While I Sleep”. Willy used to be in Mink Deville, a pioneering NY-based punk pand. I only have one of his solo albums, ‘Backstreets of Desire’, but need to get more. He’s heavily influenced by R&B and New Orleans stylings. “Even While I Sleep” features David Hidalgo of Los Lobos on the squeezebox. Dig it…

    From ‘Backstreets of Desire’, 1994, Forward/Rhino – {Amazon}