• Rock

    Super Tuesday: Band of Horses, Stones, ACL lineup

    May 18th – a date I’ve have had marked on my calendar most of this year, since learning that…

    a) Infinite Arms, the third album by Band of Horses, is released (check out the CD or the Deluxe Box Set on Amazon).

    b) The remastered edition of the Stones classic Exile on Main Street is released (check out the deluxe version or thr Super Deluxe Edition on Amazon).

    c) The Austin City Limits Music Festival – which I will be attending for the third time – releases its lineup (check out the ACL Festival site). Pre-announcement rumors are pointing to Phish, the Eagles, Muse, and the Flaming Lips, among others. In fact, USA Today posted this on Monday night.

  • Rock

    Keith Urban + “Tumbling Dice” on Fallon

    Hats off to Keith Urban for offering up a killer version of “Tumbling Dice” on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon’s Rolling Stones week. You’ve undoubtedly noticed through some media outlet that the classic 1973 Stones album Exile on Main Street will be reissued this coming Tuesday (May 18th). I’ll be in line for the Deluxe Version.

    This week on Jimmy Fallon has been a treat for Stones fans. Monday, Green Day performed “Rip This Joint”. Tuesday was Urban. Wednesday was Sheryl Crow’s version of “All Down the Line” (with Doyle Bramhall, Chuck Leavell and the Roots), which I thought she dulled down a bit. No animation. I mean come on, this is ALL DOWN THE LINE you’re performing Sheryl! Shake it a little…

    Tonight, to wrap it up, Phish will take the stage – likely for “Loving Cup”, which they’ve played regularly through the years.

    But I really want to highlight this Keith Urban version (also with Chuck Leavell on keys). I’ve only seen Keith here and there on TV, awards shows, etc., and I’ve never been unimpressed. But he just moved up a few notches in my book for taking on this great song – and doing it serious justice.

  • Friday Five

    The Friday Five: August 21, 2009


    Friday Five : ˈfrī-(ˌ)dā,-dē ˈfīv : On the sixth day of every week I hit the shuffle button on my iTunes and share my five and drop a little knowledge and insight for each track. Sometimes there is a playlist involved, sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes we have guest, but most of the time it’s just me. The rest is up to you, our friends and readers! Fire up your media player of choice and share the first five random track of your shuffle in the comments.

    The Five:

    Editor’s Note: I’m running short on time this Friday, but the tunes are cranking and getting me through the busy day before heading down to NYC for some Acoustic 80’s (featuring Jason Hare of Popdose). I swear it’s an odd coincidence that each tune this week has a title consisting of two words.

    The Rolling Stones “Miss You” (from Forty Licks, 2002)

    Green Day – “Brain Stew” (mp3) (from Insomniac, 1995)

    Billie Holiday – “Blue Moon” (mp3) (from First Issue: The Great American Song Book, 1994)

    Rufus & Chaka Khan – “Sweet Thing” (mp3) (from Rufus featuring Chaka Khan, 1975)

    Alexisonfire – “Accept Crime” (from Old Crows / Young Cardinals, 2009)

    What has got you moving today?

  • Friday Five

    Ickmusic’s Friday Five: August 15, 2008

    Pure Shuffle.

    Ah Friday. The day most of us look forward to beginning at around 9:30 AM on Monday morning. The gateway to the weekend and the only thing standing between you and the release from the daily grind… I think that I can easily say for everyone, Thank God it’s Friday.

    Friday also means it’s time for the Five. This week I struggled a bit with the theme as we head into the final stretch of “The Theme Days of Summer”. It hit me that we’ve covered a good bit of ground to date and that one thing we’ve not covered is direction. Furthering upon that thought the “Feng Shui” playlist was born.

    Match ANY of the following conditions

    NAME contains North
    NAME contains East
    NAME contains West
    NAME contains South
    NAME contains Heaven
    NAME contains Earth

    The playlist populated with 216 tracks, with nearly half of them being Prince related, go figure!

    Last week’s Olympic inspired theme saw everyone going for the gold and some bringing home the bronze. Everything from Dylan to Bowie to the Godfather of Soul made appearances (some more than once) to represent their home country and bring back the glory.

    For those who have not joined in the Five, here’s how it works: … I hit the shuffle button on my iTunes and share my five with some words (and on occasion the song itself) for each track.

    Then it’s your turn! You can play along with the themed playlist or just share the first five of your shuffle, either way the fun is in playing musical voyeur for the day.

    Here are this week’s tracks:

    1. The Rolling Stones – Beast of Burden (from Forty Licks)

    Yes friends of Ickmusic, this is my favorite Stones tune. Actually it’s tied with “Waiting on a Friend” for the top spot. There’s something about the laid back soul side of Mick and the boys that resonates with me more than some of their more up-tempo numbers.

    2. Donna Summer – Heaven Knows (from Gold)

    I am surprisingly unashamed of having this disco-era gem pop up. Featuring Joe “Bean” Esposito (who you can find much more than you ever wanted to know about by paying a visit to our friend Jason Hare over at Popdose) this was a Number 2 hit for Miss Summer and was the last of her purely disco hits.

    3. Bryan Adams – Heaven (from So Far so Good)

    Did anyone else see Bryan Adams on Jimmy Kimmel Live! the other night? It was a far cry from the lackluster performance that he turned in at this year’s American Idol finale.  He belted out “Summer of 69′” like it was 1984 all over again. This one brings memories of school dances and Saturday nights with Dr. John Barron on WSPK.

    4. The Ohio PlayersHeaven Must Be Like This (MP3) (from Skin Tight)

    Back to the 70’s for what was likely the soundtrack to many a session of “7 Minutes in Heaven” in 1974. Clocking in at just over 7 minutes it’s hard to picture this track on the same record as the funk tour-de-force of the title track.

    5. The Escape Club – Wild, Wild West (from Wild Wild West)

    Cliché in just about every respect from the faux reggae breakdown to the super compressed guitar over the electronic drum beat to the innuendo laced lyrics you could not escape this tune in the late 80’s and well into the early 90’s. Released in 1988 the track reached Number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in November and lingered on radio playlists for damned near a decade. Oh and the video, how could I forget the video…

    Well we started in the East and ended in the West with a whole lot of Heaven in between, what’s bringing balance to your day?

  • Rock

    Stoned in Belgium: Brussels Affair

    This, my friends, is the Stones in arguably their finest form. They were touring in support of their latest album, Goats Head Soup, the follow-up to 1972’s Exile on Main Street (a tough album to follow!). Mick Taylor absolutely shredded up the stage with his lead guitar work. You’ll hear it all first hand in this great quality show.

    This was intended to be an official live album, but in the early 70’s the Stones were still bound to to an agreement with their former record label (Dekka/ABCO). So the first post-Dekka official live album didn’t come out until ’77 (Love You Live), seven years after they left Dekka.

    One of the great musical memories I have are the years in my late teens when I was discovering the Rolling Stones catalog, particularly their albums from the 70’s – and even more particularly – the greatness of Exile and Sticky Fingers. So to come across a show like this for the first time is really a treat.

    And if you’re a young ‘un or just new to the Stones, fasten your seatbelts…

    The Rolling Stones
    Brussels, Belgium
    October 17, 1973

    Nov 17, 2011: The show is now part of the Goats Head Soup Deluxe Box Set.

    1. Brown Sugar
    2. Happy
    3. Gimme Shelter
    4. Tumbling Dice
    5. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)
    6. Dancing With Mr. D
    7. Angie
    8. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
    9. Honky Tonk Women
    10. Midnight Rambler
    11. All Down the Line
    12. Rip This Joint
    13. Jumping Jack Flash
    14. Street Fighting Man


    Goats Head Soup
    Exile on Main Street

  • Rock,  Video

    Yer Blues by the Dirty Mac

    Since I signed up for Netflix a few months ago, I’ve been catching up on all the essential music movies of the past. The latest DVD to hit my doorstep is the The Rolling Stones – Rock and Roll Circus. Here’s just a little portion of rock & roll history from the 1968 film…

    The song: “Yer Blues”
    The band: The Dirty Mac (Eric Clapton, guitar; John Lennon, vocals, guitar; Keith Richards, bass; Mitch Mitchell, drums).

    Not too shabby of a lineup, eh?

  • Rock,  Video

    Gimme Shelter DVD, Live Stones 1969

    I’ve been a Stones fan for a long time, but it took me until yesterday to sit down and watch Gimme Shelter. What kind of Stones fan am I, then, you say? Good question, I don’t really have an answer. It’s only one of the most important rock documentaries in existence. Shame on me! And thanks Netflix.

    Gimme Shelter documents the tail end of the Rolling Stones’ 1969 U.S. tour, which wrapped up with a free show at the Altamont Speedway, near San Francisco. The Stones originally were going to hold a last minute surprise show at Golden Gate Park, but when Mick Jagger let it slip during a press conference earlier in the week, the venue needed to be changed, due to overcrowding and logistical concerns.

    So on Saturday, December 6th, more than 300,000 eager fans, drugged out crazies, and a boat load of Hell’s Angels descended on Altamont. What transpired is the stuff of legend.

    The stage was only about four feet high, so it provided easy access to the throngs of fans. Leading up to the Stones, the lineup included Jefferson Airplane, the Flying Burrito Brothers, Crosby Stills & Nash, and others. The Hell’s Angels – whether asked or not is debatable – ended up providing security around the stage area. The “security” included knocking Jefferson Airplane singer Marty Balin unconscious and bashing people with pool cues. The Grateful Dead, after arriving for their set, cancelled after hearing about the ugly scene.

    During the Stones set, while “Under My Thumb” played, an 18 year old black man in the crowd, Meredith Hunter, pulled a gun. Before anything could happen, Hell’s Angel Alan Passaro pounced with a knife, stabbing Hunter multiple times, stomping him, and killing him. The film captures a lot of the violence and ugliness that day (it was impossible to avoid), and it really gives the viewer a firsthand feel of the tension around the stage area.

    Altamont took place only four months after Woodstock, and is considered by many to be the end of the free love / flower power era, or whatever you choose to call it. The film is most notorious for capturing the event, but don’t forget about the music. We get some great live Stones footage from Alatamont as well as an earlier Madison Square Garden gig: “Street Fighting Man”, “Satisfaction”, “Love in Vain”, “Brown Sugar”, “Sympathy for the Devil”, among others. There’s also some studio footage from Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

    Stones fan or not, this is a must see for any music lover. This is an amazing and fascinating document of a legendary band in their prime, and a very unfortunate event in rock and roll history.

    So as I tend to do after watching an intense film about one of my favorite bands, I spent today listening to the Stones: Beggars Banquet (1969) through Tattoo You (1981) on shuffle. I also tracked down a boot from the same 1969 U.S. tour. It’s called ‘Secret Garden’, and was recorded about a month before Altamont in Oakland. Enjoy!

    The Rolling Stones
    November 9th, 1969
    Oakland, CA

    Jumpin’ Jack Flash
    Prodigal Son
    You Gotta Move
    Sympathy For The Devil
    Stray Cat Blues
    Love In Vain
    I’m Free
    Under My Thumb
    Midnight Rambler
    Live With Me
    Little Queenie
    Street Fighting Man
    Honky Tonk Woman

  • Live,  Rock

    Live Earth Moment: Gimme Shelter

    So I spent many a minute yesterday clicking around, checking out the different Live Earth performances around the globe. Kudos to MSN for their webcast coverage. They even made it user friendly for us Mac users (though you did need IE to be able to click around from city to city). One of my favorite moments yesterday was a Keith Urban / Alicia Keys performance of the Stones’ “Gimme Shelter” during Keith’s set. Color me impressed, they rocked hard…. (and Alicia, you weren’t lookin’ so bad either).

    By the way, did you guys see the Police play “Message in the Bottle” with John Mayer, and – uh – Kanye West? “Uh! Yeah! Uh. Uh. Uh. Yeah.” Um, no.

  • R&B,  Rock

    Harlem Shufflin

    I’ve always loved the Stones version of “Harlem Shuffle” (and the video above, particularly the fine female dancing with Mick – rarrrr – feel like I’m 16 again). Silly thing is, I don’t think I had heard another version of it until recently (courtesy again of Sirius). It turned out to be the original version too, performed by Bob & Earl. The twosome, Bob Relf and Earl Nelson, wrote and recorded the song in 1963. It was later performed by the Righteous Brothers, Johnny & Edgar Winter, Booker T. & the M.G.’s, and of course the Stones on 1986’s Dirty Work.

    So check out the original version. It’s interesting to note the similarities between the original and the Stones versions. You’ll notice Mick Jagger borrowed a lot of the same tones, groans, and moans from the Bob & Earl version.

    Soul Men

    I’ve still a looong way to go with my Booker T. & the M.G.’s education. As one of the tightest rhythm sections you could shake stick at, they were the Stax label’s house band for many years back in the 60’s. This 2003 release took a look at some of their unreleased sessions between 1965 and 1968. One of them is their own take on “Harlem Shuffle”.

    Download the album on eMusic or buy the disc on Amazon.